Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4890 - Don't be excited

Chapter 4890 Don’t be excited

Miss Yang, who received the call, has not heard the laughter, and has repeatedly said “good”. It seems that everything is their own self-interference. Ye Shangyu is naturally different, and there is no need to worry too much. She is.

Not necessary at all!

Despite letting go, she developed.

Xia Jinyuan immediately made a commendation for the horse, and if he did not mention anything else, he could take a long time to get married.

Marriage leave… what time is it?

Yang, who is still laughing, is so scared by Xia Jinyuan’s “marriage leave” to a straight cough.

He had a big cough over there, and Xia Jinyuan was talking on this side. “Don’t be excited, you will say a word.”

Don’t be excited! Can he not be excited?

The younger Yang, who clenched the microphone and coughed his face, wanted to smoke. “You are going to get married? When did you decide? Why didn’t you have a little bit of wind? Did the commander know? Do you have to say? Finished, two Do you want to enter your team?

Marriage is a big deal for anyone, and it has a greater impact on Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian.

If the two really want to get married, they will face the question that Major General Yang asked.

“You misunderstood.” Seeing that Major General Yang misunderstood, Xia Jinyuan needed to explain more. “There is no plan for marriage at the moment, but I will remember the award in advance. I will remember it.”

Yang Shaojue especially felt that he had jumped a parachute with a problem with the umbrella bag, and a heart hangs almost to the past.

“You have nothing to do for me all day long? Wedding leave, why don’t you say retirement? Don’t think about it within five years of marriage leave! It’s not my proposal, it’s the chief commander’s personal recommendation. If you have any objections, please ask the commander-in-chief.”

“There is still a face and my wedding leave, I still want to bring you back! Don’t let your brain blow, affecting the leaflet!”

Since the small leaf can solve the problem by himself, and does not need Xia Jinyuan to mention it, Yang Shao can not help but tighten his eyes.

Then he really has to think about considering the transfer of Xia Jinyuan in advance.

Xia Jinyuan listened, did not talk about the conditions, and secretly said “a group of old foxes”, changed his face, changed his tone, and said: “A little urgent need to deal with, first hung up.”

When he came, he added, “You will not know that it is easy for God to send God.”

Then I hang up the phone.

Yang Shao will hold the microphone and give his face a blue glow.

Is it easy for God to send God?


Ha ha!


Xiajia’s sixth and old sixth, if the commander-in-chief has a shot, is there any rebellion?

Xia Jinyuan hangs the phone of Major General Yang, and at night he calls the old house.

I chatted with Xia Laozi and Xia Lao’s wife for a while, and told the two old people that he was with the two most beautiful granddaughters.

I like to go to the old lady’s eyebrows and smile. While listening to my grandson’s speech, I screamed at the microphone and whispered to the close-knit old man. “The old sixth is more reliable than his father, knowing that he has to guard his own wife, and this is all in the army.”

I want to hear what the grandson said about what the grandson said is happy, that is…

“You first say, I will come back after I say it.” Happy to be happy, the place to pay attention must be paid attention to, the father is much more calm than the old lady.

The old lady didn’t think much about it, and the grandson had a heart.

Xia Jinyuan, who is happy to the old lady, is going to be able to get back to the two old grandmothers as soon as possible, but also to prevent the family’s favorite from dragging his legs. From time to time, his summer commander sneaked him again. Xia Jinyuan decided to start in advance, borrowing the power of the old lady. The chief commander of the summer will have his own mind.

(End of this chapter)

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