Chapter 4892 special

It is said that Zhizi is like a father, and vice versa.

Knowing the father is like a child.

Thanks to Xia Jinyuan, he is the first to be strong. Otherwise, he may be transferred back to the army in advance. For no reason, Commander Xia believes that since Ye Jian can stand alone, Xia Jinyuan, who sent the past instructions, can return. There is no need to stay. With.

Killing and unloading is no different.

Where will Xia Jinyuan come back?

They all said, “Please ask God to send God easily.” He was transferred to the northwest with a single voice. He could face Ye Jian every day. This is a good thing and he will not say it.

Today, seeing Ye Jian, although he has insufficient experience, but is fully qualified for the instructor’s post, would like to transfer him back? The abacus really doesn’t play so fine, he won’t cooperate every time.

Coordinating with the transfer, do not cooperate with the transfer back!

With the whip of the old lady, Commander-in-Chief Xia calmed down and thought about it. He also talked with Major General Yang, and the intention to transfer Xia Jinyuan back was gradually stopped.

Major General Yang understands why the commander of the summer wants to transfer Xia Jinjin back. As a father, how do you really like to hang your son?

Although Commander-in-Chief has never provided convenience for the only son, he will not really stand idly by. Under the premise of not violating principles and discipline, Commander-in-Chief Xia will silently guard the growth of the only son in his own way.

For example, young people are somewhat impulsive, and the two have made mistakes in getting along with each other. Once the fault is turned over, even if the commander of the summer is willing to protect, countless pairs of eyes on the summer house will not let Xia Jinyuan’s mistakes. wrong.

“The leaflet is alone on the early side, and my heart is both happy and not at ease. If she is low in understanding, my family will be put away with the flowers and minds, and help the leaflets to do their best in the morning.”

“The lobular savvy is extremely high, and the affairs in the class don’t need the above leaders to come forward in her hands. I have properly solved it. I still don’t know the old six thoughts? If the leaflets get started, he can spread his arms and cheer! I want to bring him back in advance, and I am worried that he will be overjoyed and leave a handle.”

After all, not in the snow squad, a little mistake will be infinitely expanded.

This is why the Commander-in-Chief of Summer wants to transfer Xia Jinyuan back in advance, not because he does not believe in Xia Jinyuan, but from a father’s concern.

It is clear that knowing that the only son should have a sense of proportion will not be chaotic. The commander-in-chief of Xia is still not completely relieved. He would rather separate the two for a short time, and would not want to leave the hidden danger of the stars.

Commander-in-chief Xia is an introverted temper. He doesn’t like to tell his own things, and he is not used to telling Xia Jinyuan his fears. He hides his father’s love deepest, so that sometimes the old lady thinks he is too guilty about Xia Jinjin.

Actually, really is not.

This time, if the commander-in-chief of the summer suddenly said the real reason behind his intention, Major General Yang did not know that it was the same thing.

Silence for a while, Major General Yang said: “The commander-in-chief, you sometimes put it outside. Even my people who are around you today don’t know your real reason. The sixth is… I don’t know. “”

It’s no wonder that the old lady is so angry that she can even draw three whip.

This time, Major General Yang only said silently in his heart.

Commander-in-chief Xia slammed his mouth and was quite proud of the answer. “No, he knows the sixth.”

Miss Yang will not understand, the sixth child knows? Where does he know?

I have complained to the old lady, if he knows that he will complain?

In this regard, Yang’s expression is very suspicious and requires the commander of the summer to explain one or two.

(End of this chapter)

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