Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4897 - Heavy penalty (please see the author has something to say)

Chapter 4897 heavy penalty (please see the author has something to say)

It is not uncommon for soldiers to fight in the army. Especially among the male soldiers, they are a group of young people who are just bloody. It’s normal to bump each other. However, after the fight, it is very likely that they will become iron buddies. Also kiss.

Basically, the soldiers quarreled, and the squad leader verbally criticized and warned that he would not be alarmed.

The fight is different. If the fight is only a few fists, a little friction and small collision, and no harm is caused. The training and customs clearance will pass.

If the two really do, all the soldiers will be severely punished for the fight between the two. It is a small matter to be closed for a few days. All of them will not sleep, and the weight of more than ten kilometers will be the result of the fight.

However, this time is not just as simple as a fist fight.

Gao smiled with a knife!

She waved the dagger, which should have been stabbed to the enemy, to her comrade-in-arms. It was not as simple as fighting, and she rose directly to deliberately hurting people!

Once Qiu Jun is injured, according to military discipline, compulsory administrative measures such as punishment, record and confinement, these will be the stain of a lifetime!

Ye Jane ran very fast, and Yang Zhen, who had a good physical performance, only followed the speed of less than three hundred meters and could no longer keep up with the speed of Ye Jian.

Looking at the front two roads to the lightning-fast figure, Yang Zhen began to worry about Gao Xiao and Qiu Yi.

In the small playground, the daggers in the hands of Gao Xiao were taken over by the female soldiers. One of the deputy squad leaders knew that Gao Xiao’s catastrophe had a big disaster, and he was so angry that he immediately slammed into a high-smile belly and sighed with anger. “Gao laugh! Don’t you want to live? Do you dare to move the knife!”

She was hugged by another female soldier and hugged her upper body. She couldn’t move her arms and couldn’t move. She laughed hard and gave up the fist of the deputy class. She had a painful abdomen in her abdomen. She said: “It’s just a matter of learning, you want to Too much!”

“There is still a hard mouth!” The sub-class of the face is not able to punch another punch. “The instructor will come over soon, and you still want to explain to the instructor!”

What to explain? laugh!

Gao smiled and twisted his head, his eyes cold and cold, and Qiu Yan, who was persuaded by the two female soldiers, opened his eyes and smiled. “Qiu Wei, you said that we were just studying?”

“Yes? Do you want to learn?”

A cold and cold voice came from behind the laughter. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room was a stagnation, the air pressure suddenly increased, and even the air had a physical body. It was difficult for the female soldiers to breathe.

All the female soldiers, including Gao Xiao, were all in a stiff body. They brushed and turned and looked at them. They saw their leaf instructors and male soldiers’ summer instructors not knowing when they stood behind them.

Both of them are obviously handsome men and women who are worth a first-class, standing in a place like the fairy in the painting, the face is so cold at this time, the sight of the sweep seems to have the same storm, just touch gently The two of them looked at each other, and their hearts were already trembled.

The body is stiff and the low laughter is low on the comrades who are still holding their own comrades: “Not too fast!”

“Line up!”

The deputy class was low, the female soldiers immediately acted, and the high laugh was also released from the imprisonment. The abdomen that was smashed by the sub-class to the colic was quickly completed.

The squad leader Yang Zhen has not yet ran, and the entire team was completed by the deputy class.

Nineteen female soldiers were stunned, and they were not dared to be greeted by the cold face of the two instructors.

This day, I am afraid that I can’t be rehabilitated!

“Who is in the hand of the dagger?” Ye Jian said, the words chilling like a sword that would hurt people, and the female soldiers were tightened their shoulders.

After three and a half months of getting along, they could see that the instructor of the leaf was almost harsh and harsh, and did not dare to have any small moves in front of her. Today’s Gao Xiao and Qiu Yi’s plan are all they usually do in order to improve their ability and spontaneously organize the plan. How do you know… Gao Xiao will suddenly go crazy.

One dividing line one

The girls, Qingyun’s cervical vertebrae are ill again, and the pain in their heads are dizzy and heavy, and they are nausea…, biting the teeth, I have to climb the bed and go to sleep.

Don’t wait tonight, only one more.

(End of this chapter)

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