Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4901 - Cruel leaf instructor

Chapter 4901, Cruel Leaf Instructor

There was no chance for Gao Xiao to stand up. The leaf that was quickly closed was a single span. The whole person sat on the back and smiled, and the hand was pressed against the neck.

Gao Xiao, who took a spit, didn’t have any room to fight back. He only had to be trained from beginning to end.

“Do you have the ability to do this?!”

The leaves simply pressed the back of the neck, and her whole face was crushed against the rough ground. The small, small, angular gravel smashed into the right cheek of the laughing, crushed The burning pain caused tears in the eyes of Gao Xiao.

“Who is Qiu Wei? She is your comrade-in-arms, and will give the back to your comrades in your hands, and you, dare to slash the knife! Gao laugh, you want to kill? I want to see if you have this. Can bear! Look at whether you kill, or be killed!”

The dagger that fell into the hand of Ye Jian rubbed the tip of the laughing nose and slammed into the ground.

Excessive force, and the speed is very fast, the dagger cut the surface of the gravel, the fine stone skin that was cut off splashed on the high smile face, like the glass **** that burst and splashed, instantly added a few small blood to the high smile face. .

Gao Xiao’s eyes trembled because of Ye Jian’s phrase “The comrades who will give the back to your hands”, comrades-in-arms, comrades-in-arms… She and Qiu Yi have personal grievances, and today they are also comrades-in-arms.

And she used the dagger to kill the enemy… waved to her comrades.

The dagger pierced the ground, and Ye Jian’s hand moved away from the back of the high smile, and the person stood up from her back. “Your tears are not worth the money and will not touch me.”

“Stand up, continue!”

The female soldiers could no longer see it. They asked the squad leader Yang Zhen, hoping that the squad leader could come forward and stop it.

Yang Zhen did not come forward and said to the female soldiers: “This is a warning to Gao Xiao, let her know the dagger we have in our hands, who is the object facing.”

“Since she dares to take the dagger to her comrades, then she must be severely punished!”

As a lieutenant, Yang Zhen used to be a leader. He knows how serious the mistakes made by Gao Xiao are. Now, the instructor Ye has not reported it, but he has punished himself. He has already been particularly envious!

Still to persuade?

No one can persuade, until he laughs and bows his head, and admits his mistake!

The high **** trace of the left side of the road bite the lip, even if the arm is sore, it seems to have screwed up a hundred pounds of weight, and even the slightest lift can not lift the point, she once again picked up the dagger and rushed to Ye Jian.

She didn’t have a pain in her whole body, she was hurt all over her body, and she was all in her bones. She didn’t have the opportunity to open her mouth. She only had to raise her dagger again and again, and she had the opportunity to throw a dagger again and again.

After half an hour, I didn’t know how many times I fell back. I didn’t have the strength to climb anymore. She didn’t even have the strength to hold the dagger. She fell to the ground and swallowed her dry eyes and looked at it. Looking down at his instructor, the voice is hoarse like a wood saw, “instructor, I…”

Ye Jane knows what she wants to say, but she doesn’t want to hear it.

Turning around, facing the female soldier who has already seen her fear of her cold, she issued the password, “One or three rows turn backwards!”

In order to facilitate the formation of the team, Ye Jian has been divided into four groups of nine female soldiers, each group of five.


The password is issued. The female soldiers in the first and third rows turn around and face the comrades in the second and fourth rows. With the password of Ye Jian, everyone is relaxed.

Punishment for Gao Xiao… Is it over?

It is not over!

Ye Jane said: “Take the dagger in your hand and stab your back to your comrades! Let Gao laugh and see what kind of punishment the whole person will suffer because of her fault!”

Thanks to the care of the little goblins, today, massage and acupuncture, feel more comfortable…

Good night, I will see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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