Chapter 4903, the heart of the stone

Therefore, the five-kilogram heavy-duty off-road that will be there every other day is so happily decided.

The soldier touched the back of the painful head and bitterly looked at the battalion commander: “The battalion commander, only half an hour before the company commander said that the three-kilometer light run, this time they ran for five kilometers, and the idea was too fast. Let’s go.”

The battalion commander, Tian Ying, laughed. “You, you, haven’t you seen it yet? Your company commander is stimulated. The female soldiers who are slightly more energetic have been stimulated.”

“Young man, suffering hard and bitter, and being a man. Why do male soldiers have so many people who can’t beat female soldiers? Look at what they are doing, look at the time, you say that the female soldiers are training and losing to you. The angry, but the leaf instructor, not you, the company commander.”

Not surprisingly, the back of the soldier’s head was slap by the iron palm of the company’s director, the stinky boy, and the face said!

Even the two slapped soldiers are honest. He has to dare to say that it is not a slap in the face, but a slap in the face of their wishing company.

Ye Jian knows that his punishment for Gao Xiao has made Zhu Lian’s psychological shadow, and he saw that the force is not enough. He also wants to try to get rid of the female soldier. Ye Jian directly picks up a stone and throws it at the female soldier. After a few rounds, the female soldiers dare to play tricks again.

Gao Xiao has been crying until she is not adult. She just didn’t hold Ye Jian’s leg. “I was wrong, I was wrong! Instructor, I am wrong! Please let them stop all right? Everything is mine. Fault, have nothing to do with them! It’s my fault! It’s my fault!”

The order to stop was not released, and the female soldiers who slashed the knife could not stop, and Gao Xiao could only watch, and could not do anything. Even if it was a request, she could not achieve it.

Qiu Wei is no exception. She knows that Gao laughs wrong and knows that she is wrong. Now the instructor only allows her and Gao Xiao to watch the comrades who are punished for themselves. It is even more difficult than being punished!

Qiu Yi, who couldn’t resist it, ran over and stood beside Ye Jian. She didn’t know the military style. She said: “Instructor, I am wrong! I and Gao Xiao have deeply realized their mistakes, please punish us! ”

“Yes, instructor, I am wrong, I am wrong, please punish me? Can you punish me alone?”

Going to the door without a door, Gao Xiao wiped her tears and got up. Her legs were also counted back by the countless leaves. She didn’t even have the strength to stand up. When she got up, she was still holding her hand in Qiu’s eyes. With help, Gao Xiao finally stood up.

“Instructor, please punish me! Never since again! I will never stop targeting Qiu Yi! I promise never to commit!”

Gao Xiao, who had to rely on Qiu Yi’s body to stand up, once again promised that she did not have a slight reaction, and she still looked at herself with a glare, and she smiled and turned to face Qiu Yi, red eyes and sincerely apologize, “Qiu Oh, sorry! Please forgive me for what I did. Please forgive me.”

After that, Gao Xiao bent down deeply.

Qiu Yi was busy raising his smile, his eyes were filled with tears, and he choked and replied, “No, no, you are not sorry for me. I am wrong, I should explain it to you first, not after the incident. Choose to escape and let all the problems you deal with.”

“Sorry, I am sorry to say that I am sorry. I am sorry to laugh. Please forgive me for hurting you. Sorry, sorry.”

(End of this chapter)

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