Chapter 4918 is shameless.

Ye Jian only wants to give the female soldiers a practice, a lot of practical experience, and other aspects have not considered.

The male soldiers and female soldiers who did not give up the search did not know that they were about to usher in a fierce battle. They were looking for traces of suspicious people while looking for two instructors.

Also afraid to alarm suspicious people, even the walkie-talkie is not willing to use it, relying on sight.

The male soldiers know that there is a base in the north, so when searching, the north base is the center, thus increasing the probability of discovering traces of suspicious persons.

It is familiar to the Gobi male soldiers. This is the case. They found that the five special forces of the G3 and other special forces had passed an entire hour.

Xia Jinyuan, who followed the whole process, was quite satisfied with this. “G3 They are elite. They used them to find G3 in an hour. It is quite good.”

“The female soldiers have insufficient practical experience, so they can see how they cooperate. The 34 people are surrounded by five people, and the chances of success are high.”

Ye Jian said: “I don’t know if there is any discovery in the camp. The military sent G3 to them to step on the line of defense. I really have to touch the base. How did they tell the military to the military? The entire provincial army division, Linbei University The military region will have a big disaster.”

“In their place, they must be blamed. If they are really touched by the G3, they will prove that the line of defense does have serious problems, and they must all be rectified.”

“The big disaster is also caused by their dereliction of duty, and they can’t blame others.”

Xia Jinyuan, who is calmly analyzing, does not think that it is a great disaster. On the contrary, it is a blessing to find the problem as soon as possible. It is far better for others to find the problem than to be discovered by other countries that have always had a disagreement with China.

“Let’s relax, things are far less serious than you think. G3 they all avoid the defense line sneak into, the deeper, the harder it is, the last incident is that the group is close to the line of defense and immediately found. G3 they really want Close to the line of defense, it is very likely that it will be discovered in the first place.”

“China’s external defensive ability is still good, you, don’t worry too much. You have to be a little confident.”

Ye Jian nodded lightly, just wanting to say what was coming from the front, Xia Jinyuan explored from the ravine, observed the front for a while, smiled and said: “Go, we are close-up.”

The two sides have already played against each other, to see who can win.

Ye Jian keeps up, she also wants to know who can win.

The men who completed the package confirmed that the suspicious personnel had a total of five people, and the body did not seem to carry the guns with great lethality, and they were close to each other.

Fear of alarming them to escape into the depths of the Gobi, until they can immediately rush to the distance, they let the female soldiers rush out, hold the rifle in the hand, shouting: “Do not move!”

The male soldiers threw themselves to five people at the fastest speed.

G3, when they saw the number of people surrounded, they had already smashed Xia Jinyuan over and over again.

Oh shit!

Forgot to ask him how many soldiers he brought out!

Now look at it, say less than thirty or forty people!

Five pairs of thirty or forty people, even if they can block five people with bare hands, they have to be tired!

The female soldiers were battling all around, and the empty bombs in the rifle were already on the squad. As long as the suspicious personnel were found to have rushed out of the circle of male soldiers, they immediately fired a warning.

“After going back, I must always give the blue bird eye drops, let her see the shameless face of Q King as soon as possible, and abandon him as soon as possible!” Z7 yelled at K7, leaning against his back, “Thirty and forty People, he even has a face to say that this is not a bad thing!”

Good night, good night, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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