Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4986 - Misunderstanding is big

Chapter 4986 misunderstanding is big

There is no arbitrarily “you come, let’s just go through the game”, but more cautious. This is carefully taken from the leader of the mine, thinking about why he has to arrange Ye Jian to come to his team. What is the intention?

It’s hard to be done. I want to transfer Ye Jian to the army and put it in his team.

The thought flashed, and the big night of the thundering captain’s back was sweating, impossible! Doesn’t exist! Will the army be willing to let go? The leader of the army where Ye Jian is in agreement will agree?

I am afraid that I will die and let go!

But if not, why did you let Ye Jian come over? What are the plans of the Air Force Command? What does the Army Command want to do?

Although they are not top secret special forces, they are also a force that does not appear easily. It has always been in a hidden position. If there is no plan to let Ye Jian adjust to his team, why is it arranged?

If you lose someone, you will not be able to figure it out. You will not be able to understand what you are going to do.

Thinking about it, Lei captain still thinks that his initial guess is very likely… There are plans to adjust Ye Jian to come to the airborne team.

If this is the case… Lei’s captain used his lingering eyes to squint with the female soldier who walked with him, and she was 10,000 welcoming because of her guns that existed in the sky!

Some time ago, the Grand Military Region met, and the division commander also suggested that the team recruit a group of female soldiers.

Like the thought of what the captain of the thunder suddenly lit up, yes!

The teacher gave a suggestion to the meeting some time ago. He immediately arranged for an army female soldier to come to his team to practice. It was also the teacher’s personal hearing. He also told him to observe for two days, but he could not tell the female soldier that this was the arrangement above. Is it obvious?

Obviously, the female soldiers are arranged to come to their team!

To “grab” such a powerful army female soldier, the division commander and the headquarters are estimated to have a fight with the head of the army!

After the experiment, he had to call to ask if the teacher was injured and whether he won or not.

Ye Jian didn’t know that Lei’s captain thought a lot of things that were too many things. When he saw that he was going to the tent, Ye Jian thought of a problem. “Lee captain, do I need to stand guard tonight?”

It’s not so good to ask yourself to sleep tonight. Ye Jian only asks questions.

Lei captain laughed, and the eyes that looked at Ye Jian became very different. “There is no arrangement for you tonight. The tent for the sand table is where you rest tonight. There are sleeping bags. It will be completed directly. Five o’clock. Collect, you get up on time.”

Ye Jian, who knows where he sleeps, can feel that Lei’s captain has seen his own eyes with subtle changes in his eyes. He also wants to guess what the reason is, and he heard the leader of the mine team: “Have you ever wanted to be an airborne soldier?”

That’s really not!

Ye Jianxiao said: “I never thought about it.”

Never thought about it? Lei captain frowned. “But I see you are yearning for the airborne troops.”

“Aspire does not mean you want to be.”

Ye Jian’s answer made the Lei captain’s heart tight, and it’s no wonder that the teacher said that he could not tell the female soldier that it was arranged above!

Seeing that the captain of Lei is still standing, Ye Jian’s heart is more and more weird.

She was really weird about the arrangement of today and tomorrow. Now, the words of the captain of the thunder are asked, and the doubts are more serious. When I think of a certain point, my heart is more alarming.

True color: “The airborne soldiers make me very yearning because I think the airborne troops are very powerful. But I still like the army, I like the feeling of being down to earth, and I am afraid of height!”

She… fears high!

The squad leader who left the tens of thousands of people did not believe it. At the same time, he understood that his own teachers had a good intention. In order to grab the female soldiers to their airborne team, the division commander, you have worked hard!

(End of this chapter)

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