Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5038 - I want to be alive

Chapter 5038, I want to live alive.

The leaves with blood on both hands are simply looking at Ada, which is getting more and more ugly, and the heart has entered the bottom of the valley.

I can’t hold on for a long time, the policeman who fought in the front line couldn’t hold on for a long time, and life was lost in her palm at the speed she could see…

Hearing that his comrades constantly encouraged himself to persist in Ada for a while, trying to hold up and close his eyes, and lightly “hmm”, in response.

Ada, who is trying to survive, knows that she is no longer working hard. He has not become.

Just such a low to inaudible voice, Dorje, who had been waiting to answer, cried like a child, and the broad Tibetan man on his back bowed his back and screamed at his comrades.

Tired eyes closed at the corner of Ada’s eyes and there was tears overflowing. He heard the grief of his comrades crying and heard the comrades’ disappointment.

He also knows that Dagang, who has never spoken, has already taken the first step, and the big brother who has not recovered in time for sudden illness has left.

Ada, who was weak and breathless, wanted to take a deep breath. He did it. He struggled to complete the deep breath. He looked at the ghost figure and his lips moved. “Stop… stop… car, I… see… look look look.”

He wants to look at the blue sky again, and wants to look at the eagle flying overhead. He wants to get close to the land he loves so much. He wants to breathe the cold wind from the snowy mountain for the last time. ……

When the car stopped, Ye Jian got off the knee when the knee was soft and seemed to fall. Her hand was still clutching the neck of the police Ada. She could not fall. If she fell… her hand would loosen. .

The police Pingpo, Dorje carried Ada off the bus, they went to the side of the road, Pingcuo first sat down, Ada sat down in the arms of his comrades, Dorje was next to him, clinging to Ada’s hands, Ye Jian also squatted The hands never leave Ada’s neck.

Scratched from the mountains, the wind blowing across the road with the hustle and bustle blowing, listening, even the wind is full of sadness.

Ada tried to open her eyes. He looked at the blue sky and wanted to see if there were eagle flying over. When the sky was blue and blue, when did the eagle fly?

The air is so good, there is the breath of the Gobi and the desert, and there is the coldness of the snowy mountains in the cold.

This is the last time Ada opened his eyes, the sun is so glaring, stabbing his eyes with tears flowing out, he has to work hard and look at it…because this is the last time he saw the sun.

In less than a minute, Ada slowly closed his eyes, and at the last moment of his life, he left his last words. “The second big king… Big brother… I am… I am… and the next big brother… One… Together, you… …you…continue…continue…live…live…to…”

Did not mention the family, only mentioned the comrades who fought side by side, the last moment of his life, the most unreliable is his own comrades.

And the family… he didn’t have time to leave his last words and closed his eyes.


“Ada! My Ada!!!!”

The Tibetan man was crying and crying. Pingzhao clung to the Ada who was leaving. He held it tightly and cried aloud. The sorrowful voice made the wind blown down.

Ada is gone, and Ada, who is a policeman, is gone.

The leaves that slowly retracted their hands squatted and stood up. Her hands shook so badly that she even shook her hands and did not have the strength to sacrifice the police with military gifts.

Low-lying look at his **** hands, the blood has dried up, solidified into a brown blood clot, the hands and hands are all brown blood, all the blood that represents life… Now it has been done.

(End of this chapter)

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