Chapter 5051 is fierce

When the door opened, Wang Qian suddenly twisted the steering wheel, and the jeep that floated and drove directly out of the road.

“Ah, ah…”

The girl who was pushed off the car made a scream, and the hurried brake door followed. The truck driver who heard the rear whistle of the vehicle looked at the rearview mirror and stepped on the brakes to avoid the wife sitting in the passenger seat. “The people who traveled to the northwest in the last year are getting more and more…”

Many words have not been said yet, and the driver of the rear vehicle will notice that the door of the rear car has actually opened!

The driver suddenly panicked, and subconsciously slammed the steering wheel and headed for the right side of the road…




All kinds of sharp and sharp thorns, more people’s heart and panic and chaotic sound came, the truck rushed to the right side of the road, rushing to the roadside gully.

The jeep rushed to the left of the road and rushed to the ravine.

“Oh… Dangdang… oh…”

Compared to the truck that consciously stepped on the brakes and rushed to the right side of the road to reduce the inertia, the jeep that Wang Qian drove was like a horse that was out of the country and rushed out of the road.

The squatting that pushed the car down like a rag doll rolled up on the side of the road, rolling around in a circle, and the screams made the brakes evade the couple on the truck that rushed out of the road and heard the scalp numb.

But at this time, I can’t take care of the girl who suddenly got out of the car, and I have to stabilize myself.

The truck head was planted in the gully, and the driver and his wife slammed into the front windshield. They dragged the carriage of the green vegetables to one side, the car turned over, and the front of the car fell into the gully…

The seat belt pulled back the driver’s two husbands and flew back, then slammed back into the seat, the truck stopped, and the couple rushed into the chest and swelled.

After the car, Xia Jinyuan came directly to the two drift brakes, and the car was still drifting. He was screaming at the young boys who were hitting the door. “You get off the bus and watch the girl rolling down. Don’t just move her body! I don’t understand!”

I don’t know if the back, the cervical vertebra, or the internal organs are seriously injured. Suddenly moving the body will only aggravate the injury.

The boy who stunned his eyes and fainted, “Ah, ah,” called the answer to Xia Jinyuan.

The military jeep stopped, and Xia Jinjin was like a cheetah attacking, slamming into the road gully, and the driver’s side hit the deformed jeep.

Wang Qian, who was directly attacked, fell into a fainting motion. The blood slowly flowed out of his head with the broken window glass. The situation of sitting in the driver’s seat was much better than that of Wang Qian. The airbag popped up and she hit first. When I got to the top of the airbag, and then slammed back into the seat, the body swayed and the person fainted.

At present, in addition to the vehicle rushing to the gully, her arm slammed down and there was no obvious injury, at least no bleeding.

The situation of Gongga Ningbu is not much better, but he knows how to protect himself than the young people in the car. When the car hits the ravine, he protects his mind.

The vehicle rolled over, he was on the side of the roll, and the head was on the other side.

He is not thinking about the hostages. It is right to hurry and escape.

Xia Jinyuan has already rushed over, and the frightened truck driver and the couple also got off the bus. The driver’s wife also wants to look at the seriousness of the damage to their own vehicles. The driver said: “Look at what, look at the side of the road. People! Find a tripod and go ahead! Come on!”

Human life is important, the car can be repaired and damaged!

La la la, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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