Chapter 5054, treacherous

The mind was seen through, and the long scar on the face of Gong Ningbu twitched twice, and it looked more and more stunned. “I will die if I pull you.”

Gong Ningbu is a madman, a madman who can make anything, too tight, he will go crazy.

The two sides of the game, Xia Jinyuan suffered from fear in the heart, and the line of sight was blocked by the front two seats, and did not find the first time Gongga Ningbu one of the legs was stuck.

“Okay, I don’t move.”

During the talk, Xia Jinyuan did not trace the two hostages trapped inside the car. The driver Wang Qian was seriously injured. He was pinched under his waist. The airbag that came out protected him. He had blood on his left side and turned to the car when he was overturned. Caused by the column.

The co-pilot position was the lightest, and I couldn’t even see the signs of injury. I heard her breath still… I was scared to faint, and I was still fainting.

Wang Qian needs to be rescued immediately.

Xia Jinyuan, who has a bottom in his heart, stares coldly at the heavy criminal who struggles to fight for a living path. He does not force people to be too tight, and he is too mad when he has been smothered with a few lives. It does ignite the car.

Gong Jinning Buyuan thought that he was so threatened, the other party would have some scruples, and he knew that he had encountered a soldier who did not follow the common sense.

He was not afraid to scare, and licked his mouth, revealing two rows of yellow teeth and laughing. “Is it? I call one, two, three, you don’t go, I ignite, die to die.”

“Oh… the car is blown up, it’s all dead! I’m fine. I’m being killed by you. I’m not afraid. But they’re different, so young, and driving, sure that there’s money at home.”

“But they can live, you let me fire, and I die when I die. You are dead. It is obviously a life-saving person. When you die, you still have anonymity. If you are a soldier, are you worthwhile?” ”

Be able to speak eloquently, with clear thoughts, clear logic, and calm to make Xia Jinjin feel a little scared.

He has performed countless missions and has encountered countless dying criminals, but no one has been so calm as the recidivist.

But the calmer he is, the more certain he is… he wants to live!

Only those who want to live will be so calm, they will find a breakthrough in escape, and if they want to die, they will have to get up early and do not say nonsense.

Xia Jinyuan, who had figured through the other’s thoughts, hesitated and frowned. The originally calm vision suddenly became sharp. “What are your requirements?”

The smell of gasoline in the car is getting weaker and lighter. It is all emitted from the open door. The hands of Xia Jinyuan’s tight door are tightly tightened. Now he is not worried about the lighter in the hands of Gong Yuningbu. He is worried that… It was inconvenient to act outside the traffic jam and took the opportunity to take hostage again.

If he once again hijacked the hostages… Yeah, you can let him out first, let him come out first to rescue Wang Qian, who is seriously injured.

His every move, Gong Ningbu, was in his eyes. Although he had some joy in his heart, but he did not relax his vigilance. “Two things, first, give me a ready Car! Second, you are at least one kilometer away from me! Do it, I let people go, you save people.”

“Impossible!” The face changed, Xia Jinyuan was drunk.

“Then die together!” Gong Yuning Bu Dawei, as Xia Jinjin expected, he suddenly leaned into the co-pilot position.

(End of this chapter)

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