Chapter 5057 Prudential

Xia Jinyuan gently spit out the turbidity. She said that he understands that he has not been disturbed. He calmly arranged. “The felony has not seen you, you are in the dark, I am in the Ming, I drive to cover, you take the opportunity to approach Gongga Ningbu. I will retreat from the kilometer and you will act again.”

Although there is self-blame, it does not affect Xia Jinyuan’s control of the whole situation. He is very clear about how to act next to better rescue all hostages.

“Good!” Ye Jian nodded. She glanced at the two cars parked, and lit the police pistol in her hand. “Take the jeep over, I will finish the following things.”

There are two sacrificial policemen in the civilian passenger car, and naturally they cannot drive past.

Seeing her police mobile phone in her hand, Xia Jinyuan’s dull scorpion has a twilight pass, “Good!!”

Then look at a policeman who ran over, the dark black and tight, and the plan just arranged was once again perfected.

Time is urgent, everything needs to be accelerated.

For some people involved in the rescue of hostages, time flies too fast and too fast, but for Gongga Ningbu, time is too slow and too slow.

He first climbed from the back to the co-pilot position, so the small space made him half of his body pressed to scare the already lost voice.

Unleash the seat belt of Yu Si, his fierce gaze and his helpless hostage. The thin and sharp plastic piece is always pressed against the neck of the neck. “Put it out, or Laozi will kill you!”

After that, he pushed Yu Si out of the car, and he was scared that Yu Si, who was not awake, did not make a slight sound after falling.

Yu Si’s intellect was hit hard and had no action. Wang Qian’s serious injury was even more ineffective, and Gong Yuning’s desire to survive was extremely strong. Xia Jin’s bet was that Gong Jining was not afraid to act rashly before he got on the train. Therefore, he chose to agree to the request of Gong Ningbu.

Gongga Ningbu, who ran out of the car, did not manage Wang Qian, who was still in the car. A person who did not know that death was a living hostage, he would not waste his energy.

The sharp plastic piece in hand reached the neck of Yu Si once again, and one hand dragged Yu Si extremely alert to leave the jeep and go to the side of the road.

Just approaching the road, he saw two policemen and lost control again. “All his mother is far away from me, I heard no! All my mother is far away from me! The car! My car!”

Cai Yan, who was sitting in the middle of the road and accompanying Tian Hao, screamed and looked up. He saw the abducted metaphor at a glance.

Thinking of the two policemen who had just yelled at themselves, Cai Yan bit his tongue with his teeth, and then pressed back from the chest to the scars of the blind eyes.

Don’t look, don’t look at it, the police uncle told him not to look at the front, never look at the front, take care of Tian Hao, he just takes care of Tian Hao.

Tian Hao’s situation is still good, Cai Yan accompanied her to keep talking and spurring, let her wake up a little bit, and then can talk intermittently.

However, she did not know the situation of Wang Qian and Yu Si. Cai Yan, who was shocked and scared, did not dare to tell her that she was afraid of her stimulation.

Tian Hao, who was awake, also heard the voice that made her fear, and she finally had a horror on her face.

“Young man, don’t look, don’t look! He is far away from us, can’t hurt us. Don’t be afraid.” Cai Yan was terrified, and the driver’s older brother whispered to him. “Reassure, we have police to protect the PLA. Your friend There is nothing wrong with it, and I am trying to save him.”

(End of this chapter)

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