Chapter 5060, Sister Sister

Cai Yan’s little action leaves are easy to see. The little boys have curiosity and are normal. Now the heavy criminals who have left their shadows have been killed. If you look at it, you should be comfortable.

Ye Janu thought.

Cai Yan, who dared to take a glance at it, even read a few words “Amitabha” in his heart. It was really fucking! The blood flowed out of the back of the head, and it must have been…the aim of the female soldier who helped the left side of the eye…

Ah, it’s so beautiful!

At this moment, I went to see Ye Jian’s eyes, Cai Yan’s eyes were bright, and soon the sight of the sneaked sight was taken back. This beautiful shot shot the fugitive’s head, thinking about it still… Very scared.

Change to him, even if he has a gun in his hand, he can’t blame the fugitive’s head.

It’s not right, how can an ordinary citizen explode someone else’s head, and the soldier’s can’t, or because the situation is special!

Yu Si helped the car to sit down. Cai Yan saw her except that the clothes were stained with ash, and there was no other injury from the forehead. The tightness in her heart gave a little looseness.

He was hesitant to open the female soldier who was holding a military kettle and wet his hands. “Sister, is she scared?”

Ye Jane wanted to pat the cold water on Yu Si’s face, so that she could stimulate her to return to God and nodded her words. “Yes, I’m scared, I need to wake her up.”

The hands with the water patted the pale face of Yu Si. “Is there a towel, a handkerchief, etc?”

“Is the scarf available?”


“Here, here…” I only know that Cai Yan, who is following the walk, pulled the pocket zipper of the Yusi jacket and pulled out a small square scarf. “She bought it when she got off the plane. I said to buy something like this, she said first. I bought it, I can use it sooner or later. Sister, do you say that this is what the old man said, “I have a mouthful?”

Ye Xiao, who took the small square scarf, laughed. “A very beautiful square scarf, a little girl will like it.”

“That… sister, do you like it?”

The leaf that slipped the water into the silk scarf looked at a lot of boys. When I saw the tension in the eyes of the boys, I knew that the boys used the way of talking to ease the tension and release the tension.” I, we are all military uniforms all year round, and we can’t use them.”

“Sister, are you upstairs? Sister, how old are you, so young is the captain? Is it very early to join the army? Is it 18 years old to join the army? No, my parents have also gone to the army. I heard that they are still standing. I have done it. I haven’t seen him as an officer when I came back to visit relatives.”

Cai Yanben is a male student with a lot of extravagant words. In addition, his family is very good. He is very flattering from junior high school to college. He is also very handsome. He can say that he will be happy again, and he will like girls.

However, Ye Jian, her boys who talked a lot have always had a headache.

If the situation is not special, seeing the fear in Cai Yan’s eyes, she will really leave and not accompany.

“Twenty-two, it is also early to join the army.” Ye Jian, who answered the answer, gently wiped the wet silk scarf on the cheek of Yu Si, and the next Cai Yan was already exclaimed. “Twenty-two, like me.” Big! I am also twenty-two! Then I call your sister, big loss, big loss!”

“It’s too early to join the army. Did you go to work as a soldier after graduating from high school? How do you think of going to be a soldier? But I heard that it is difficult for female soldiers to choose to go up. You are lucky.”

Ye sighed in the heart and turned his head and looked at him very seriously. “Yu Si is still not awake, you talk to Yu Si.” Asking other okay, I asked some questions that she didn’t answer well. .

(End of this chapter)

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