Chapter 5081 Question

“Old gentleman, the younger generation is not…”

Mrs. Qin also wants to explain that she smiled at the old gentleman who has always been kind to the younger generation and asked, “What is it? What you are doing now. Who is the child? The youngest official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but you are a mother. Clamp. Use the scorpion for him, and press him everywhere.”

“He has rebellion, and he doesn’t want to follow your arrangement. It is not filial to you here. My wife, I ask you, can you have filial piety? The old Qin brothers are ruthlessly upset by you. Cold, no longer want to manage things, this is your filial piety?”

The look is serious but not harsh, and the repeated questions are peaceful and harmonious. With the old man seeing the thousand sails and the indifferent wisdom of the water, Mrs. Qin is gradually unable to parry.

“I have never done the filial piety of my children, but I am forced to repair my children to do what you call filial piety, daughter-in-law, you are self-reliant and filial piety. Men must be married and established themselves. Yes, this is a heavenly human being, you must obey Is it a big filial piety for parents to make a family business? Can they do big things?”

The old gentleman asked again and again, and asked Mrs. Qin’s forehead to sweat, and she was nervous and restless.

However, the old gentleman did not stop, and the voice did not change much. It seemed to be the most common thing, but the more she was, the more nervous Mrs. Qin was.

She really regretted coming to the old gentleman!

“Where are you going to see how many older generations of scientists in Danguiyuan have never married before? The old man next door, Su Lao, who have lived for life, how much contribution has they made for the country? You dare to run over and ask old and su Are they lonely when they are not married? Do you dare ask?”

Mrs. Qin’s face turned white, and she and her, even her ambassador’s wife, did not have the courage to ask the country’s heroes.

“I also heard that Sakura loves to be a soldier. The young man is said to be a major. The high is very powerful. You are a poor soldier. You are in a small county. The parents are only middle school teachers. The family is not an excuse, and Sakura is slap in the 30th night of the New Year.”

“Women, you still have to ask yourself, do you think that the repairing child is not married too lonely, or want to satisfy his selfishness, and want to continue to control Sakura and Sister.”

“Ming Ming Sakura wants to get married, and you want to stop and still abandon the man’s family. Ming Ming Xiu wants to get married for a while, and wants to do something big, but you do everything possible to break it. Your wife, you are not worried about your children. You, just think for yourself.”

Mrs. Qin, whose face is white, is a little swaying. She clearly wants to ask the old man for an idea. In fact, she wants the old gentleman to come forward to let the repairer go with her, but I know that I will be blamed by the old gentleman.

Mrs. Qin knew that she was wrong and asked for a mistake.

The old gentleman said a lot of things, only a little tired, “I say this, my wife will not come back to me for these things. Although I have a relationship with the Qin family, I am better than my loved ones, but I am married, regardless of the younger generation. Even if love is going backwards, it is better to have regrets from the beginning.”

“You, you have a sharp horn, go back and think about it. If you figure it out, everything will pass.”

Really want to be able to figure out, Mrs. Qin will not toss Qin Xiu for so many years.

She still feels that there is nothing wrong with her. She definitely supports her son’s career, and marriage must be done by parents.

(End of this chapter)

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