Chapter 5092, face

Du Jiayi, who can sit next to her, couldn’t make it. Her face instantly felt like a layer of lime, and the snow was white and white without a little blood.

Qin Grandma… Qin Grandma This is to say that her family is not educated, and there are people who are not talking about it!

Obviously, it is a fact.

Du Jiayi, who was shocked and panicked, also stabilized herself. She did not immediately explain her. She had to take the initiative to interrupt Mrs. Qin’s wife, and then she lost her etiquette.

“Auntie, you are my Qin family wife, please pay more attention to it outside. Today, my mother-in-law must also say something to you in the face. If someone else says something, then listen to it like real, it may not be true. I have to go see it myself, think about it, and find out what it is.”

“Others say that the wind is the wind, and the rain is rain. If you don’t have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, you should still have a quiet rest at home, let your father and son raise you.”

Mrs. Qin has been married to the Qin family for decades, and she has always spoken in front of the old lady. Sometimes the old lady has any problems and will ask if Mrs. Qin has any good ideas to solve it, compared to the two who have been in other provinces. I am more liked by the old lady of Qin.

Even if I made a mistake sometimes, the old lady did not say a bit of a heavy sentence, only to tell Mrs. Qin what was wrong, how to change.

Today, Mrs. Qin, in front of the outsiders, directly let Mrs. Qin rest at home, and less to go outside. Mrs. Qin, who has never been taught by her mother-in-law, has become cold and cold, and her hands and feet are stiff.

“Mom, I…” Mrs. Qin wanted to explain, but she felt stiff with her tongue.

Mrs. Qin did not need the explanation of her daughter-in-law, and she looked at her face with a tired face. “Well, I know what you think in your heart, there is a guest, you are entertained. I have some food and go out.”

After all, Mrs. Qin slowly got up.

Mrs. Li saw this, and her heart was “squeaky” and it was wrong. It was wrong. It was wrong. Today is all wrong!

Mrs. Qin’s wife is not regardless of Qin Xiu, nor does she not pay attention to the door, but she gave birth to Mrs. Qin’s early opinions!

Mrs. Qin asked her mother and daughter to come to see Mrs. Qin, and there are other plans!

She simply wanted to borrow the hands of her mother and daughter, let Mrs. Qin know that Ye Jian was a man, and then Mrs. Qin’s wife came out, and Qin Xi’s thoughts on Ye Jian!

Mrs. Li, who was flying in her heart, was also ashamed and annoyed at this time. She had always been a scorpion, and she did not expect to be the nephew of Mrs. Qin today.

I only blame myself for being too anxious, and I have never touched Mrs. Qin’s wife before I have today’s business.

In the past, the “Iron Lady” Mrs. Qin was indeed very powerful. When the two mothers and daughters talked about Ye Jian’s bad, she gave Qin Lao’s wife the opportunity to teach her daughter-in-law, and even took her and Jiayi’s face.

Later… I want to please Mrs. Qin in the future, there is no way to go!

At this moment, Mrs. Li knew that her daughter had been married to the Qin family because of a moment of misconduct, and there was no way to go. Not only has no way to go, but even Mrs. Qin thinks that her mother and daughter are uncultivated and only know how to make a move.

Mrs. Li could have thought that Du Jiayi, who had a clever calculation, knew that her face was brushed with lime powder and she was more and more calm in her heart.

Seeing Mrs. Qin’s wife, who was helped by the domestic servant, slowly walked out. Du Jiayi, who was sinking in the dark, bit his teeth and suddenly got up and walked quickly toward the old lady of Qin. “Qin Grandma, please stay.”

The young man’s legs and feet were good, and he quickly ran to the front of Qin Laofu. With the old lady of Qin down to the sight of her flustered, Du Jiayi bent down and bowed to Mrs. Qin.

Seeing this, Mrs. Li’s face was stretched and she was relieved.

See you at night, I saw you at night.

(End of this chapter)

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