Chapter 5107 Planning

Born in Li’s family, Li Yannian, who had no dependence since childhood, faced Li Ronghuan’s show and did not immediately dismiss his heart, but Li Ronghuan’s words were like a stone into the heart of the lake, causing a burst of embarrassment.

The third time I saw the watch, Li Lannian said: “Uncle, I am in a hurry. If you have something, I will go home myself.”

“Bad boy, it’s too much for the second uncle.” Li Ronghuan put down the handbrake and stopped the car. “I will remember the words of the two uncles. Lijia has two uncles. You should be a soldier, and you should serve the motherland in a mess. Less to blend.”

“Right, Li Chun, the son of Li Chuhai, did you see it? It looked like the outside room. When I met for the first time, I almost sighed directly to his face.”

“I have to run him often in the future. I guess I have to tie something up. If I accidentally take a slap in the face, I should hate me if I don’t die.”

Li Yinian’s gaze has slipped through a window on the second floor of Li’s house. It has never been opened, and only the room where the servant sent the meal in the past lived in Li Jun.

The car drove away from the old house of Lijia. On the second floor, someone slowly put down a small corner curtain and left the room to go to the first floor.

On the first floor, Lao Lizi, who was served by Mrs. Xiaoli, was drinking water. He heard the sound of the building and his face had a smile. Even Mrs. Xiaoli’s face had a smile.

“Juner.” The two old men spoke at the same time, and the voice was kind enough to be afraid of disturbing the young man who went downstairs.

The man who went downstairs was about twenty-seven, and his skin was extraordinarily fair. It was a pale, unhealthy sun. The five senses were feminine. Although he was handsome, there was a hint of gloom in the eyebrows that made people look more. It is best not to provoke easily.

His facial features are somewhat similar to the young lady of Xiaoli, and the eldest son of Li Chuhai is derived from the blood of Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife.

Li Jun, who went downstairs, had a very low air pressure. The eyebrows and the corners of his mouth were tight. In the face of the two old greetings, he only fainted “hmm” and walked down to the single-person sofa to sit down.

“The second uncle used to be very good to him.” Li Jun opened his mouth and lived abroad because of his birth. He has a tone in Mandarin, and his voice is slightly sharp and highly recognizable.

Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife was angry and saw her grandson angry. She said: “I haven’t seen each other for 18 years. I’m not familiar with it. How can it be good? Juner, you are now at home, take a rest, and go outside if you have time. The rest of the matter is handed over to your uncle to deal with it. The most important thing is your body.”

Li Jun glanced at her grandmother, who was nervous about her face. The cold face suddenly smiled. “Grandma, I am in good health, but I don’t like to sunbathe.”

“Is everything in the family handed over to the uncle? Is there any need to return to China? I am not a child. Some things have to be handled by myself. For example, killing the enemy who killed my father.”

It was a smile, but the words were dyed with a cool atmosphere, and all of Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife was so anxious that her face changed. “Master, you are persuading Jun, he just returned home and can’t follow his own temper. This is this. …this is not Melaben, you can’t mess around.”

The last sentence is to Li Jun.

Lao Li’s father was not in a hurry. The two glasses became cloudy and the eyes were sharp. Li Jun was first looked up and down, as if he was confirming something, and he was trying to find something. Li Jun allowed him to look at it. There is no arrogance to look at Li’s father.

(End of this chapter)

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