Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5163 - Keep in mind the mission

Chapter 5163 Remembering the Mission

The color of gold and dark green is so solemn that the leaves are even tightly closed.

The line of sight slowly rose and finally fell to the face of the captain of the thunder. Ye Janu asked, “Captain, you are…”

“Return to the original owner, I, finally, don’t keep it anymore.” Lei captain laughed and said, no, suddenly the face converged instantly became extraordinarily serious, “Ye Jian!”

“To!” Ye Jian’s back is straight and his face is solemn.

Lei captain picked up the epaulettes belonging to Ye Jian, temporarily reserved in his own hands for special reasons, and said: “I hope that you will continue to work harder and create greater glories. Here, we also add a lot of color to our airborne troops. The soldiers know that the female soldiers they had been crowded out were not ordinary female soldiers, but a special female soldier who could crush them all in half a year.”

“You are a qualified airborne special scout, and I welcome you on behalf of the special reconnaissance company.”

Untied the corporal epaulette on the shoulder of Ye Jian, replaced the upper armor of Samsung with a bar, and neatly tidy up the leaf, and the captain of the thunder took a step back and raised his hand to the military ceremony.

Ye Jian raised his hand, and he was very beautiful.

Then, the captain of Lei also put out a small box and opened it. There is a small umbrella emblem in the box. “It belongs to your glory. I hope that you can keep it safely. After leaving the airborne troops, please remember that this land once had The trace of your struggle!”

Umbrella emblem, paratrooper status symbol, Ye Jian step forward and step forward, took over the umbrella emblem that condensed his blood and sweat, Qing Rui’s dawn is full of determination, “Keep in mind the mission, do not forget the original heart!”

Keep in mind the mission, don’t forget your heart, move forward, and vow to be the first!

“Well, I believe that you will remember the mission! You will go first, then I will come over.” The captain of Lei, who has a smile in his eyes, can no longer doubt the strength of Ye Jian. He has seen it with his own eyes. Why do you need to doubt again?

Next, what really doubts about life is the group of female soldiers who once rejected Ye Jian.

I believe that he will see the female soldiers’ faces will be wonderful after a while.

After leaving Ye Jian, he stepped out of the Lei Captain’s office. Instead of going to the playground immediately, he went to the dormitory. She had to put down the small box with the umbrella emblem.

In front of the dormitory building, there was a sentinel standing guard. When I saw Ye Jian, the sentinel immediately took the military ceremony. Now Ye Jian is not a corporal, but a captain, who can be honored by the sentinel.

At this time, the female soldiers are completing the training this morning. The use of one soldier is the basic condition of a qualified airborne soldier. The female soldiers are now training at the same intensity as the male soldiers. They are deep, leapfrog, sandbags, horse steps. Pushing bricks and other basic training requirements are all in line with the male soldiers. How many men are squatting every day, how many steps the frog jumps, how many times the sandbags are hit, and a lot of female soldiers have to be completed.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!!”

The rows of sandbags hanging on the iron roots were lifted by the female soldiers, and the punches were fiercely hit. The weight of the sandbags was just one hundred and fifty kilograms. The male soldiers kicked the sandbags with one kick and the female soldiers were weak. The same can be used to kick the sandbags, but the magnitude is not as big as the male soldiers.

One hundred boxing and one hundred kicks are basic training that must be completed in the morning. The leaf Jane who came is soon to find the place where the female soldiers train.

“Two classes of leaf briefings!”

The clear and bright voice with a strong penetrating power, pressed a “hip-hop” sound with a sly color, so that every female soldier who was kicking a sandbag heard it.

Some strangers and some familiar voices made the female soldiers feel a little stagnation, and every female soldier who heard the sound came up with a name.

Leaf Jane?

(End of this chapter)

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