Chapter 5211 is in progress

At the 10 o’clock in the morning, all the basic training is completed. There are no less than eight hours of professional training courses – umbrella training, even if it is as strong as a male soldier, you must complete eight hours of umbrella training every day, sometimes more.

The female soldiers have been waiting for the professional training courses to come, and they are not in a hurry to know if the returned Ye Jian has really surpassed them.

After a night of precipitation, the female soldiers’ return to Ye Jian’s strong return was not as shocking as it was yesterday. The previous Ye Jian used them for more than half a year and did not accept it. The strong return of Ye Jian was accepted by them in only one day.

At the end of the basic training, there was a short 15-minute break. Ye Jian twisted and placed the military kettle next to him and drank a few mouthfuls. He was still **** the cap and the captain of the mine sent the soldiers to find her to talk.

Twist the kettle, patted the dust on the body, and then walked with the male soldier to the thunder captain.

Not far behind, Guo Cui took back the steps he took out, and the other party said: “It’s a step forward.”

“That’s it.” Fang Xing took back the steps earlier than Guo Cui. She didn’t want to go to Ye Jian. Guo Cuila did not refuse to nod.

Going to Ye Jian, is it more appropriate to pull Lu Hui? Fang Xing thought in his heart, did not say it in his mouth.

Guo Cui also sat down by the way. “Well, don’t look for it.”

Fang Xing looked at the comrades who had a heart-felt affair. She restrained her hand with some restraints, and her mouth came back and forth several times. The voice line stretched out a little nervously and whispered: “I actually… I don’t know about you… …why to find Ye Shangyu, I just don’t want to understand.”

I was afraid that Guo Cui complained that she had a mouthful, and Fang Xing hurriedly explained, “I don’t mean anything else, I just want to know what you are looking for.”

Like her, I feel completely that I have nothing to look for.

Guo Cui knows that Fang Xing has no other meaning. She is still anxious. She patted her back and said softly: “I am looking for her to talk about training at night. When the meeting is over, it will be noon. At noon, we are very Difficult to find Ye Jian, I have to use her to talk to her now.”

“This way…” Fang Xing showed a shy smile, and the voice was not as nervous as before. “I thought you wanted to bet with Ye Shangyu.”

Guo Cui laughed lowly. Although Fang Xing came from the land of Tianfu, he could be introverted like the daughter of Jiangnan Water Town. Even his voice was full of excitement. “Ha ha ha, bet Lu Hui will only do this, we will not join in the fun. You are Didn’t you think Lu Hui definitely lost?”

“Ye Shangyu is very powerful. I don’t think she will lose.” Fang Xing first discovered his opinion and looked a little serious. “My old squad leader is a very powerful person. It is hard to beat her with any difficulties.” The current Ye Jian looks even worse than our old squad leader.”

Even if Lian Fang had said this, Guo Cui cast a sight of “compassion” to Lu Hui, who was sitting in front of the rest.

Out of the water room early in the morning, she, Fang Xing, Li Xiushui, Tang Liyin three cats went to the fire channel to chat a few words, Ye Jian personally admitted that she returned to train every night in the middle of the night, then her professional skills training surpassed all female soldiers Really not impossible.

That is, Lu Hui is still lucky.

After the fifteen-minute break has arrived, the male soldiers and female soldiers re-assembled into the eight-hour umbrella training. The female soldiers’ eyes disappeared unconsciously on Ye Jian. Will Ye Jian continue to continue to be powerful?

Started the off-the-shoulder shooting training, as the name suggests, the target shooting needs to be completed during the descent.

(End of this chapter)

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