Chapter 5213 Transfer

Soon, Ye Jian entered the simulated aircraft. The captain of the mine pulled the lock and smiled and asked, “How, if you have the confidence to win them. Lu Hui’s decline is good. The soldiers from the 18th Division are really good.”

Ye Jian took over the lock and completely lowered the protection measures, and then adjusted the tie to the appropriate position, and replied indifferently. “Without confidence, you won’t be exposed so early. If you reveal your hand, you will have to kill all the way.”

She also wants to go back to the Snowy Brigade early, how can I allow myself to lose?

“Ha ha ha, confident enough! I am waiting for you to kill all the way to the end, ready to go?” Lei captain tightened the lock on Ye Jian, and then carefully check whether it is stable.

The leaves with both hands unfolding for the final check answered, “Report, ready.”

The figure appeared in the door of the cabin, and a lizard leaned over and stood upside down. Then, the whole person descended vertically, and it was fast and steady.

The female soldiers picked up their eyes, and then they looked at Lu Hui with their eyes, and they all flashed a thought in their minds: Lu Hui was afraid to lose!

Lu Hui licked his chest and sighed at the nearest comrade: “Don’t look at me, I know what you think. This is not the beginning, there is training behind. In the last second, I will not admit defeat.”

One of the two eyes is all a meaning, and she is sure that she will lose no doubt. This feeling, oh, unhappy is uncomfortable.


Shooting the ground target in three consecutive shots, completing the shooting, ending the first round of vertical shooting, turning over, keeping your feet steady, pulling out the ropes and returning to the queue.

Guo Cui feels that his breathing gradually slows down as Ye Jian runs. Ye Shangyu is not only stronger than basic training, but even professional skills training is stronger than them.

Everything has just begun, and more surprises are still waiting for them.

She whispered to each other and said: “The next step is to be mentally prepared, and there will be more surprises waiting for us.”

Fang Xing did not answer, his eyes brightened and stared at the running figure, his hands were clenched unconsciously.

The old squad leader said that as long as others can do it, they can do it as long as they work hard. Ye Shangjun’s army turned to the air force. In only half a year, even the professional skills surpassed their soldiers for more than two years. Then, if you work hard like Ye Shangyu, will it become even more powerful?

The squad leader and the deputy squad leader have already guessed that the technical training of leaf syllabus that is no longer disguised may exceed the female soldiers. Before the start of technical training, the two mentally prepared people will have a lot of mentality.

However, Rao is mentally prepared for the two, and then the various professional and technical trainings still shocked them, because no matter which kind of training leaves can easily drive, the individual tactical training will not be said, the female soldiers have no People can cross her.

Even with tactical training, it is necessary to cooperate. The tacit understanding between her and the male soldier is like a thousand times of tempering. There is no sense of guilt. There is no way to see that she is the army and the air force.

In the evening, I took out all kinds of special treatment methods, and I was fluent in the speed of writing a book in front of me, while reading and reading, there was no pause in the middle.

For three consecutive days, Ye Jian was far ahead of the highest score of the class, until the captain Lei told the female soldiers that Ye Jian had completed the same training for the male soldiers and completed the five-type parachute training. Lu Hui knew that he had lost completely.

Good night tonight, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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