Chapter 5216 Peace

In the end, the female soldier who became the whole dormitory was led by the deputy squad leader and admitted to Ye Jian. She always believed that she had some reason for the fact that Ye Jian first accepted the “sorry” of the female soldiers, and then apologized to them deeply.

Because she used to do something she deliberately, she is also wrong.

She bent over and apologized. Several female soldiers rushed over to help Ye Jian, fearing that her waist and waist would bend to the end. Lu Hui said: “Don’t stop, you give us a bow and apologize. It’s tight. Also, is your bending curvature too big? How do you feel bigger than us? The brain must be on the ground! I am so worried that I want to give you a bend!”

“In the end, it was softer than the waist of a person. Whose forehead can get to the ground first?” The leaf was a joke, and the female soldiers suddenly passed, and all of them couldn’t help but laugh.

Ye Shangyu from the army, they really like her like this.

The previous Ye Jian… well, they still don’t like it.

Li Xiu Shui said with emotion: “It’s not as real as dreaming, and the foot is stepping on cotton. Ye Jian, you won’t suddenly go back. Speaking of words, you will change back to the original Ye Jian, even if you It’s Captain, I still don’t like it.”

This feeling, I was unanimously recognized, the deputy squad leader even tightened his face, for fear that the next second Ye Jian would return to the original Ye Jian.

Ye Jian is somewhat distressed by them. How much psychological shadow did they leave behind in the past?

He said very seriously: “You don’t like the previous Ye Jian. I personally hate the previous Ye Jian. Otherwise, I will not train hard enough, I hope I can stop doing it myself one day earlier. Annoying people.”

The female soldiers laughed low, the atmosphere was harmonious and friendly, and there was no previous indifference.

The sleeping sentinel blew, and the female soldiers who trained for one day went to bed, and the sun did not rise the next day. At the end of the sky, the line of white fish was just pulled out, and the training for the new day will begin again.

Today’s training is always the most relaxed training. It is always the most relaxed training today. The training of tomorrow is opened in the sweat, the night is deep, and the sentinel is armed with guns until the dawn.

The southwestern part of China has been in the middle of the night, the four fields are silent, and everything is in vain. On the other side of the earth until the 1997, the Libyan civil strife, which was completely disarmed and reorganized into political parties, has spread throughout the country.

In 1997, the government was formed. In 1999, the civil unrest broke out again. At the end of 2003, the government controlled less than one-third of the country’s territory. In the autumn of 2005, Libya was in deep trouble.

My country sent peacekeepers to Liabi to stop the conflict and restore peace.

Xia Jinyuan arrived in Liabi at the end of July this year and accompanied seven members of the Snowy Brigade. If there is no accident, he can return to China at the end of November.

At 11:30 pm domestic time, Liaby’s first big city, Godagar, at 4 pm, a military bulletproof armored vehicle drove through the almost completely destroyed streets of both buildings, heading towards the south side of the city, behind a group of armored cars. The dark-skinned children are chasing after, and they don’t know what to say.

A few of them were carrying camera equipment. I don’t know which country’s reporters got out of the ruins and saw a group of children chasing the peacekeeping force’s armored vehicles. A male reporter held a candy in his hand and “squatted” towards the children. With a bang, the palm of the hand extended, and in the sun, the candy paper in his palm was colorful and beautiful.

good night, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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