Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5218 - Save and not save

Chapter 5218 Saving and Not Saving

The call from the main station here is not a good thing. It often means that a major incident has occurred. Baihe quickly cut into the public channel so that all the comrades in the car will know it all the time.

The car slowly opened on the run-down street, and the Xia Jinyuan and G3 snow-capped groups watched the surrounding environment during the driving of the car. In this city where you need a gun on the streets, you need to keep a clear head at all times. Otherwise, you may become a gun after you accidentally. Even if you are sitting on a bulletproof armored vehicle, it is not necessarily safe.

No, open tanks may encounter anti-tank missiles, and when they encounter it, the king of the land war will also be defeated.

A week ago, the Yiwei and the troops went on a patrol. A shoulder-mounted anti-tank missile equipped with a long-wave infrared instructor’s head was launched from the ruins of the street. The “king of the land war” that directly hit the front of the road was blown up on the spot. The tank soldiers and deputies all sacrificed. The armored vehicles were blown up by the waves, causing serious injuries to three people. The two were slightly injured. They are still lying in the borderless hospital. It is the target of death and the Chinese side did not hear the news.

There is a sacrifice, and it is estimated that it will not be told.

The news came from the reception desk. Three reporters from the Gulf of China and two British reporters disappeared after entering the theater. The last location was shown as an underground restaurant in the Southern District. It was only eight kilometers away from the previous few days. Contact the country and ask for help to find the missing Bay Area reporter.

“Since there are British reporters missing, it is not even more troublesome to directly seek help from the British peacekeeping force to find their missing reporters. How can we stay close and find us?”

The white crane is puzzled, and the voice is chilled and answered.

T6 is just right, twisted his brow and thought back, and leaned forward to the side of Xia Jinyuan. “There is no one missing the Chinese peacekeeping force in the past two days, the two seahole reporters.” Female, talking yin and yang, the back said that the equipment of our peacekeeping soldiers is a few times worse than the equipment of their Gulf soldiers.”

Xia Jinyuan did not answer T6, and entered the channel and whispered to the main station, “Two men and one woman?”

“Yes, two men and one woman are the reporters of the government of the Bayihai government. The women are also famous in the Gulf of China. They often write some critical news. They use sharp words and angles. They like to pick and stir up contradictions and lead to stronger. debate.”

Focusing on female reporters, she is the protagonist of the three.

Xia Jinyuan stretched out his long legs, lazily scattered like a sleeping lion who was only able to eat in the afternoon. “Is there anything else on the other side? Looks like it is not so close.”

What is the subtext, the people at the head of the station know that the comrades in the car also understand, not so close? Everyone knows it well.

With sharp words and angles, I like to inspire contradictions. Oh, I am afraid that the domestic negative news will directly lead to a qualitative leap. Such a female reporter, I really don’t really want to look for it.

The head office can understand it very well, and they are not happy with it, but there is no way. The above instructions must go to the Southern District to find three Bay Hai reporters.

I cut off the communication, and the white crane with a gloomy face didn’t even have the heart to drive. “How to do it? Save or not?”

The six squadron comrades in the car all looked at Xia Jinjin, K7 silently filled the bullets with bullets, saved or not saved? Can you refuse?


Pulling a piece of chewing gum out of his pocket and throwing it into his mouth, Xia Jinyuan looked back and saw the brother who was born and died with him. “I thought about rejection, but the form obviously cannot be refused. Let’s go first. The British side has sent troops to the past and merged with them in the past.” “”

(End of this chapter)

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