Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5220 - No. 7 chaotic four

Chapter 4220, Chapter 7 of the chaotic four chapters all refreshed

Lift your foot and squat directly to the foot cover of T6. “You don’t want to see what shoes you wear? Wear double combat boots to play football. Why don’t you screw your head down and play football.”

The boy standing in front of him walked over step by step. Finally, stood in the armored car two or three meters away, talking about the language of the Barcelona tribe. “Can you give me football? We only have one football, don’t take it away. , ok?”

Xia Jinyuan, T6, they don’t understand, Baihe can understand, he translated the boy’s words, and the special forces of several snowy battalions were so bad.

Even if they have gone through hundreds of battles, crossed countless life and death lines, and seen countless casualties, they can hear the boy say, “Don’t take it away, okay,” and the heart is like a hard rock.

Xia Jinyuan’s hands solemnly held the football that could not be played anymore and walked to the boy, followed by the white crane that could be translated. “I am very sorry, we broke your football and gave me three days. I will definitely find a way to pay for it. A brand new football for you.”

The white crane simultaneous interpretation told the little boy, no, he added, “Don’t be afraid, we are Chinese peacekeepers, and will never hurt you at any time!”

The boy took the football cautiously and saw the big hole in the football. The sadness of the dark face of the football made Xia Jinyuan feel guilty. “We will definitely lose you a football. Please wait here for me three days later, ok?” ”

Xu is because the white cranes will speak the language of their tribes, and the boy with fear in his eyes replied, “No, no, thank you. I can let my mother fill the fabric here, sew it up, and continue. kick.”

If you are in the country, if the football breaks, it will be broken. If you break the new one, then there is no football to sell?

Supermarkets, stationery stores, wholesale markets… There are footballs to sell everywhere, which is not a precious thing.

However, in the eyes of the Libby boy, the football he holds in his hand is the most precious. Even if it is broken, he will find a way to use it again.

Did not give the opportunity to talk to Xia Jinyuan, holding the football and running away, while running and shaking his hand and cheering.

The football is broken, it’s okay, as long as the football is given back to them.

The scattered children all ran over the boys, and the boy who embraced the football again was like a returning hero who accepted the praises of the friends.

T6 slammed his head, “Q King, I will definitely find a new football to pay them.”

“Take them to them in three days!” Xia Jinyuan swept his face with a self-blame T6, and his voice was very cold. “First get the Bay Hai reporter and then go to find football.”

“Yes!” T6 nodded.

The armored vehicle continued to move forward until it stopped at a place with a huge bomb on the street. At the corner of the street, the British soldiers were armed with guns and there was no one in the vicinity.

Seeing that the Chinese peacekeeper jumped from the armored vehicle, a British peacekeeper ran over.

And the summer and the future are the British Major David, a well-equipped, do not know, he thought he will get to the battlefield in the next second, see Xia Jinyuan, extended his hand and said: “Hello, the Chinese soldiers, very happy to see To you.”

“Hello, Major David, I am very glad to meet you.” Xia Jinyuan shook hands. “I heard that you already have a little news. Can you tell us now? After all, the sooner we act, the sooner we can rescue the missing journalists. ”

I rescued the reporters from the Bay Area early, and they went to find a new football to pay for the children.

Major David is very happy. “Of course, I can tell you all the clues we know. Our purpose is the same, and we hope that the next cooperation will be enjoyable.”

The British soldiers were very efficient this time. Major David said to a soldier nearby: “Please give me paper and pen first. I need to draw the general situation to you.” The last sentence is to the Chinese soldiers.

The British soldiers also need to run back to get the paper and pen. The K7 is flashing, and the pen and paper are quickly taken from the armored car and handed to Major David.

“Oh, thank you, you are really prepared!” Major David took the pen and paper with a smile, and soon he drew a building and a picture inside the building.

After Xia Jinyuan saw it, his eyes were a little bit dark.

How is this a bit like a base with a special role?

“This is a night scene, a night scene dedicated to the soldiers to play, six reporters are missing here. The entire night is an entrance, the door you see in front of you, this is a double-open electronic iron gate, once In the event of a tight state of affairs, the night market’s business site will immediately inform his staff to close the door at the first time.”

“After entering the gate, there is a walkway of nearly 50 meters. There are night guards on both sides. There will be about 10 people in the usual time. After the walkway, there will be a disco. There are mixed fish and dragons here. Everyone has it, and the nighttime thugs and staff also right here.”

Major David said it was very detailed, as if… I have been there many times.

Xia Jinyuan looked at him, and Major David watched it. Then he smiled and explained. “You also know that our pressure is very big. Occasionally, we need a little entertainment to relax our mood. I think everyone is a man. It should be understandable.”

“Indicating understanding.” Xia Jinyuan smiled and nodded, expressing understanding but not agreeing.

I can hear that there is no sincerity in the voice of Xia Jinjin. In order to save his image, Major David has to explain. “Of course, when we go, we wear loose clothes and will not be recognized by the girls here.”

Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows, “Well, I believe that you will hide your identity very well, then, what’s next? Is there any clue?”

“Yes, of course, there are more important clues.” Major David felt that there were more explanations. The Chinese soldiers did not have much interest. They shrugged their shoulders and continued: “This is a big hall in Biro. Passing through the disco for the bar, there are two doors behind the bar, one leading to the restaurant area of ​​the wine station staff, and the other being a hidden door, offering some special services.”

Having said that, Major David has looked up again to Xia Jinyuan. Does he have to explain what special services are here? This group of Chinese soldiers looks…it seems to have never been to the Southern District’s biggest night market to have fun.

Do they never need to solve the physiological needs of men?

Xia Jinyuan saw him pause, looked up, and painted the oily face, and he was puzzled. “How? Is there any problem here?”

Don’t need him to explain?

“Oh, no. I just want to tell you that behind the bar is the wall, we have always suspected that there are weapons in the wall.” I don’t want to explain too much detail to Major Major, and quickly re-enter the topic, “because I found three surveillance probes here. In addition to the bartenders, there are two people in the bar who hold them from time to time. Except for those who need to provide services, they can enter the secret door behind the bar. Those who only drink and relax can’t. ”

Yesterday, the four chapters seemed a bit messy… I re-brushed ^

(End of this chapter)

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