Chapter 5222

Xia Jinyuan took the floor plan that had been drawn. Major David’s paintings were of a high level, and the entire floor plan was very clear. Even the possible exits and confirmed exits were drawn.

Well, Major David, who didn’t usually go to the night, didn’t really have the convenience.

After some arrangements, the two sides confirmed their position. After fifteen minutes, Xia Jinyuan took the floor plan and returned to his comrades to arrange the next battle plan for China.

Divided into two groups of AB combat plans.

A is to confirm that the missing Bay Sea reporter is indeed in the night battle plan, B to confirm that the missing Bay Sea reporter did not evacuate the plan at night.

“…There are about twelve visible monitoring probes throughout the night. There are two hidden probes on the bar. After entering the hidden hidden doors, there will be probes. They are responsible for the damage of the equipment room. After confirming the correctness, our two players and them Two players took the lead to enter the secret door…”

Speaking of this, Xia Jinyuan paused and reminded the two players who entered the secret door. “After entering the secret door, there may be some similar couples, Dunlun, who looked at it and didn’t scare it like a dumpling.”

Husband and wife… Dunlun, T6 smirked, isn’t that what? It’s really elegant.

Xia Jinyuan glanced at him and his eyes fell on the Z7 and G3. He continued: “The Z7 and G3 teams entered the secret door, and the V8 stared at the engine room. They would send two people into the engine room to destroy all the equipment.”

An early morning flower from the guy, a married man who got married early, it is more appropriate to arrange to enter the secret door.

“White Crane and T6 are looking for high points to keep an eye on the surrounding areas. Once they find the problem, they immediately notice and create chaos. I hide the darkness with K7 and support it at any time.”

“There were outside the soldiers of Major David, who were on standby outside the car. Once the A plan was implemented and six reporters were rescued, they immediately took the reporters to retreat. The soldiers who entered the night with them joined forces to retreat and create chaos. Do not understand! ”


At the same time, the seven people answered at the same time, and they cooperated with each other and worked together side by side. As long as the task is clear, everything will be clear.

Now, there is another important issue, they have to change clothes.

It is a good solution to change this kind of thing. Every time you go out to patrol, you will get used to wearing plain clothes to prevent special circumstances. Sometimes, wearing a battle suit, wearing a blue helmet, standing where to know what your identity, you must be disguised.

For example, entering the night scene at night has to be disguised.

This is a special night scene. People coming and going rarely see Liabi residents. Instead, they have foreign faces, including Asian faces.

Major David took a few soldiers into the night scene, and he was familiar with the road. The night scene was not big, and there were not many people. Sitting in the very simple high wooden table in twos and threes, a few glasses of beer was considered a relaxation.

Even if it is so simple to relax, it is also a rare relaxation in the war zone. It seems to be two worlds outside. The outside world is filled with war, the people are not living, and there is at least one beer to drink here. Even if it is a high price, some people will be willing to drink.

There is no feasting, nor too much noisy to fill every corner of DJ music, only a Libya girl about fifteen or six years old, standing in the center of the night, pulling the violin that smashed the edge.

It can be seen that before the war broke out, it was a little girl whose family was not bad. The parents had the money to study the instrument.

(End of this chapter)

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