Chapter 5229 is faulty

It’s uncomfortable to have a smile on his face, but he is a gentleman, especially in the face of a woman. The gentleman’s demeanor must not be lost. Even if his heart is not good, Major David maintains a decent and polite smile. Please ask the Asian lady to get on the bus.

“Well, madam, you should get on the bus. You have been missing for too long, your colleague, your country is very worried about you. The peace-maintaining thing is handed over to our soldiers, and it is reported to you that the truth of the war is cruel. I and You, each returning to your position, okay?”

He did his best and persuaded him with the best patience, and this “Chen” surnamed reporter from Wanhai did not seem to appreciate it.

She looks pretty good, her body is very sexy, not too tall or short, at most one meter six or five, but the chin is raised a little high, and the whole person is sharp and proud.

“From your accent, I know which country you are a peacekeeper. Yes, I came to Libya to report the real cruelty of the war. Similarly, I can also disclose the true faces of these people and let everyone Seeing that you are here will only be enjoyable!”

“The gunshots have already sounded. As a journalist, I will never retreat. I will do my best to report every battlefield here! Let the world know that the most injured in the war is always the citizen of this country. ”

“And you, you can choose to leave! Because, I don’t have the right to leave you. But I will definitely report all that I have seen, including your departure!”

This is indeed very sharp, and even threatened, the face of Major David is not very good.

Hell gentleman style, he wants to swear now!

“Ms., please get on the bus right away!” No longer maintains courtesy, because Major David found that there was no way to be polite to this reporter, and his courtesy was treated as her weakness!

Chen reporter was furious. “Are you forcing me? Want to limit my personal freedom? I want to sue you! I protest!”

No one cares about Chen’s protests. The gunshots are loud in the ear, and getting her away is the right choice.

“Major, we should give this trouble to the two Chinese military talents who came out together!” A British soldier said very unhappy, he could hear it all clearly, and he was very angry.

The two of them came out together… the Chinese soldiers?

Chinese military?

Chen’s reporter who is using his body language to express his anger is acting like a big news. He flashes a glimmer of light in his eyes and asks the British soldiers who express their dissatisfaction. “Chinese military? You mean Are Chinese soldiers also appearing in this night?”

Where are the Chinese soldiers? where is it? Why didn’t she see it?

Chinese soldiers appear in the night?

Big news! She can fully anticipate that as long as she reports the news of Chinese soldiers lingering in the night, it will definitely cause the greatest storm!

Looking around the line of sight, Chen reporters can’t wait to give themselves two eyes and two light cannons to see if they can find the “Chinese soldiers who came out together” from the black paint.

Not far away, G3 and Z7, who rescued reporters, said that they did not see the reporter who was screaming and screaming.

There was no movement on the K7 side, and I didn’t know what was going on there.

Major David did not want to talk to the reporter who had a problem with his brain. He waved his hand and told me very coldly, “Take her away. If it doesn’t, I will drag it into the car.”

(End of this chapter)

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