Chapter 5235

The gunshots that took life at any time did not mean to stop. The wife who held her husband’s arm bowed his head and bit his lower lip, making a depressing cry.

“Mom, don’t be afraid, my uncles will help us go home. We will see grandparents soon.” The little boy heard her mother’s sobbing. He thought that his mother was afraid, like a little adult comfort, causing two couples. Tears 哗哗 DC.

K7 has come down and everyone can retreat.

“GOGOGO!” stared around, covering the retreating G3, saying that several people started from a scattered inverted triangle and gathered in one direction, including the Z7 that the entrance was watching.

Xia Jinyuan, Baihe, T6, V8, K7, together with the rescue of a family of three, a total of eight people together, G3, Z7 two people after the meeting, quickly close to the summer and the future.

Dad clung to his son, and the bullets kept kissing the child’s forehead, and he calmed down. “Don’t be afraid, baby, don’t make a sound, hug Dad. Dad and mother will protect you, don’t be afraid.”

Once as a Chinese, I did not encounter war before I immigrated. I even felt that the war was too far away from them.

After going abroad, he was newly added to Libya because of his family business. He started the war business that is the most profitable but also the most dangerous and lifeless, and provided drinks for Liby’s night.

In the midst of affluence and danger, the words of the ancestors did not even think of putting the wife and children together.

The mother who listened to the gun retreat was scared. She was holding her husband’s clothes tightly throughout the whole process, and sometimes went to touch the little hands and faces of the children.

She never thought that she would take her child into Libby in an angry way, and almost gave her a life.

Xia Jinyuan did not understand the twists and turns between husband and wife. The most important thing is to leave now, and they obviously have no way to leave easily and be surrounded.

He and the G3 alternated forward, from the dark streets, through the cover of the ruins away from the night scene of the center of the fire.

“First find a place to sigh, and then find a way to touch it out.” Xia Jinyuan, who is close to the wall, looked back and looked at the man who kept his wife and children under his arm. They had to send the three of them out.

Outside, the rebellious government forces had already exchanged fire, and they had the privilege of escaping from the night scene and had not escaped the bullets of the rebel government army. A shuttle bullet came over and screamed.

They walked through the chaotic crowd, crawling, squatting, running and finally living out of the night, but did not expect to wait outside for them to die, no way to escape, nowhere to hide.

The rebellious government army apparently made preparations in advance, and it was necessary to give the government a surprise, and emerged from several places in the city to launch a large-scale war.

The location of the night place is just a signal that they launched the war.

The city’s peacekeeping forces are in full swing, and the peacekeepers of various countries have entered the first-level garrison. The Chinese and British peacekeepers are still anxious to wait for the comrades who have gone out to rescue journalists to return.

Major David has abandoned the car and no longer considers to escape by car. The huge body will become the primary target of the rebel government.

Destroy the car’s oil circuit and blast the car’s control system. The valuable armored car became a scrap iron that could no longer be driven to prevent it from falling into the hands of the rebel government.

They are not far from Xia Jinjin, but they have difficulty in converging. Xia Jinyuan has a family of three. Major David has six reporters, including a journalist who does not cooperate with the whole process. He is also the only woman present.

(End of this chapter)

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