Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5240 - You are traveling, I am waiting

Chapter 5240, you are traveling, I am waiting

Ye Jian also regretted that she did not stabilize her emotions, and let them worry about it. When she met the summer team, she sometimes had difficulty controlling her emotions.

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Due to skydiving, the original five-and-a-half time was postponed until 6:30, giving the soldiers an hour and a half of rest adjustment time, and gathering at 6:30 on time, no leave.

Nowadays, the female soldiers who followed the training of male soldiers did not have the ease of six months ago. They joined the special reconnaissance team and they were transferred from ordinary airborne troops to special airborne soldiers. The difficulty of training was directly improved.

All the daytime training will not be delayed due to skydiving, and the one-and-a-half-hour collection will be postponed according to the rules. It is already a great concession for the captain.

Ye Jian didn’t want to affect everyone’s rest because of her reasons. They all rushed to bed. “Sleep, sleep, gather after an hour and a half.”

In the future, she has to learn to control her emotions. Now the female soldiers, including the squad leader and the deputy squad leader, are centered on her. Her words and deeds will directly affect the female soldiers’ words and deeds. Be careful.

Today’s mood is out of control, only once.

During the speech, Ye Jie, who had converged his emotions, sent the female soldiers to the bed. They climbed to the upper bunk and lay down. The party who slept in the lower bunk suddenly whispered: “Ye Shangyu, do you want to maintain the past? ?”

Since Ye Jian mentioned “the peacekeepers”, he was not sleepy. He lay down on the bed and turned over and rolled twice. He took the courage to ask Ye Jian.

Fang Xing is a very restrained and shy female soldier. She is also reluctant to accept the people of Sichuan Province, and everything is low-key and steady. Lei’s captain likes her temper.

Ye Jian also likes it very much.

When she heard her whispering herself, Ye Jian explored half of the body from the upper bunk and looked down at the blind, who was not sleepy. “How? Do you have peace of mind?”

“Well, I want to go. But our troops should not be able to go. The peacekeepers sent out are mostly based on the army.” Fang Xing whispered, not so much to let everyone know, “I still think about the old troops.” But know that the chances are very small.”

Small to almost zero.

The chances of sending airborne troops to peacekeeping are small and can be neglected.

“Going out to maintain peace is more dangerous than what we see on TV. There are various variables and the danger of not knowing when to go out. Peacekeeping officers and soldiers are carrying their heads on their pants every day outside, and may fall off at any time.”

“The peacekeeping is not as simple as it is supposed to be, and the danger is even deeper than what I want to say, even if the gunfire outside the peacekeeping camp will fall at any time.”

Ye Jian said lowly, saying to Fang Xing listening, but also to the female soldiers who did not sleep, “Visit is a peace bridge with blood and skeleton, blood bones cast, spirit for the load, as long as the war is not limited The bridge will never be destroyed.”

This is the spirit, and it is also the great love that is made with life.

The mind flashed past all kinds of things, and Ye Jian closed his eyes to cover the dark tide that was constantly surging in her eyes. Her summer team, please be sure to return safely. Please remember to make an appointment with you and me.

You are traveling, I am waiting.

Fang Xing did not speak for a long time. After a while, her lips were closed and closed. She did not ask again. She closed her eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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