Chapter 5243 Low quality

Three Bay Hai reporters said that after the discussion, Xia Jinyuan and Major David set the best retreat route.

Xia Jinyuan, who has been looking down at the map, looked up and looked up sharply. The sharp sight of the arrow went straight to the darkness, and the black sputum was cold and cold, and the light was cold and cold. The reporter was shocked and the whole person seemed to be subjected to a substantial impact. The body came. A very embarrassing back.

“Chen Chen, be careful!” The male colleague around me saw this and was shocked to speak out, and reached out and quickly supported the Chen reporter who fell behind.

Chen’s real name is Chen Shuzhen.

The voice of the male colleague was a bit big, especially in the dark and quiet surroundings. The soldiers who were hiding in the dark were cold and rushed straight to her position, and the lines of the face were tight.

These people are still reporters, why haven’t they been stupid!

They are now retreating, and they dare to make a sound.


T6 sighed very lightly, swallowing the other person’s sudden sound to the slobber, the rifle clenched in his hand, and the fierce gaze stared at him.

The rescued British reporter quickly rushed to draw a “Ten” frame on his chest, and finally held hands and prayed, God bless, Amen.

They were also scared out of the cold sweat by the sudden sound.

When she was scared by a sight, she almost fell. Chen Shuzhen was still the first time. Therefore, she felt very shameful. She also felt that the Chinese soldier who suddenly looked down on her own intentionally made herself ugly.

“Low quality!” She stabilized her identity, low and screaming. Seemingly indignant, listening carefully can be weak.

The voice is very weak, strong support for self-confidence, in exchange for a light smile on the corner of Xia Jinjin.

“I saw it, big trouble, I have a headache, but we can’t leave them.” Major David, rubbing his temples, said with a headache, “I don’t allow her to get off, become illegally detained, my God, she Don’t you know that the outside is dangerous and need to be protected?”

Xia Jinyuan said: “Maybe she thinks they have enough ability to leave alive, next time, they want to leave, we don’t have to stay.”

“Man, are you serious?”

“Of course, I am very serious and never joking.” Xia Jinyuan collected the city map and smiled and answered politely to Major David. “After all, we need to respect their choices. Everyone has their own choice. No one can Go to restrain them, isn’t it?”

Major David has raised his brow very high. “Yes, you are not wrong, I should respect their choices.”

Seeing how troubled Chen reporters have been to see him earlier, Xia Jinyuan wants to throw people away. Unfortunately, they all know that they just talk about it, how can they be thrown away?

If the trouble is big, you have to continue to squat until you take them safely.

A British soldier lunged up and stooped to Chen Shuzhen, squinting and talking coldly. “Now we are all dangerous. If you continue to be stupid, please leave now!”

There is no patience without Major David. If there is a rebel army nearby, only a bomb is needed, and all of them can be blown up to see God.

The reporter who was scared was again intimidated. She thought she was intimidated and her eyes were angry. “You have a very bad attitude toward journalists. Serious violations of being a peacekeeping soldier should have professional ethics and do not respect others. You, I am ashamed of you!”

(End of this chapter)

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