Chapter 5245 Barbarian

In the face of the Chinese military, Chen Shuzhen is really welcome. She despise the country behind the Chinese soldiers and has never looked at it.

“You are threatening me, are you? Oh, follow you alive, thank you, I really can’t follow you, a guy who doesn’t even have the basic qualities, are you also a soldier?”

Very unkind, even insulting.

T6, they have their teeth in the back of the socket, can you teach the lesson? ! They really want to shoot!

Xia Jinyuan said to Major David: “After going out, I also asked the major to act as a witness and write down every sentence she said to me.”

Major David, who is also a soldier, was also angry. He nodded coldly. “Okay, brother! I remember every word of her!”

“I am weak and incompetent. Don’t pull the soldiers from the big countries. This kind of you will only make us look down.” Chen Shuzhen is not afraid that every sentence she said today will spread out and spread better, so that everyone knows she has I look down on the Chinese soldiers.

She is looking down on the Chinese soldiers. What about it? ! Some kind of come to marry her, hit her.

As long as he dares to do it to himself, as long as he dares to say a heavy word to himself, he will certainly regret his life.

Savage, no IQ, low quality, fight with her? Ah!

Listening to the door of the T6 tight eyes, on the V8 cold road: “Exciting the law? It seems that this Chen reporter in order to get our black material, really means to do it.”

“Unfortunately, to our captain, we are destined to die.”

“You don’t talk, no one is dumb.” The condensing society’s sight of the black street V8 faintly replied, the sound was light to a slightly bounced silk thread. “She will regret every word she said today.”

With their understanding of Q Wang, Chen reporter will definitely be unlucky.

Xia Jinyuan, who was not fooled, swept the reporter who used the radical method, and the light and light laughter in his mouth. “This IQ is very anxious.”

“Put your mouth clean!” The male colleague who was responsible for the camera tracking came forward and raised his hand to Xia Jinyuan, drinking low, “Mom, apologize!”

But before he had his hand extended, he was caught by the British soldier who was watching next to him and twisted back.

The male colleague whose wrist was twisted had a big change on the spot, and the pain of eating had not come out from the eyes of the scorpion. The mouth was suddenly put on a cold ice thing. It was the **** of the rifle, and once again warned, “here You are not qualified to speak! Open your mouth and all your teeth will fall off!”

“Hey…” The male colleague who was defeated by the wolverines turned red. He wanted to say something. Another male colleague secretly pulled it and reminded him in the local language of the Gulf of China. “Don’t go with the British soldiers.” They are not the target of Chen’s reporter.”

In a word, hold the male colleague.

Deliberately, Chen Shuzheng saw that the Chinese soldiers were not fooled, their faces became more ugly, and they took a hard breath to suppress the hearts of their hearts.

If you are not in a hurry, there is still time. As long as she keeps up with these Chinese soldiers tonight, I will definitely find the black material that will damage the image of the Chinese soldiers.

Xia Jinyuan’s face is deeper and deeper. Is this a reporter? Ah.

Once again, the voice of Chen Shuzhen’s reporter was even darker. She heard this cold “he” full of contempt for them.

A group of barbaric and low-quality guys dare to look down on her, so angry, too angry!

(End of this chapter)

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