Chapter 5261 will pour

At that time, Li Laozi was furious about the problems of the shackles. He received a phone call from Li Ronghuan and learned that Li Jun had an accident. He only felt the whole body blood rushing into his mind. He did not know anything about the latter.

Fortunately, the family doctors of Lijia have lived in Lijia for nearly half a year. Li’s father fainted and rescued him. He also said that Li’s father was a big man, and he was quite strong in his desire to survive.

Here, Du Jiayi was kept at home, and the guards were allowed to keep an eye on the deputy chief of staff of Du, who was not allowed to leave her home, and rushed to the hospital. He had not waited for him to go to the hospital and received news that his grandfather had woken up.

Mrs. Li is keeping an eye on the old man in the intensive care unit. Du, the deputy chief of staff who has not had time to go to the hospital, secretly orders.

At this moment, just in time, Du’s deputy chief of staff pressed the anger and went to the intensive care room to visit the old father-in-law.

Although he did not help the Li family, he was his old father-in-law. How can he not go to the hospital because he avoided suspicion?

The second stroke of Li’s father was really not so lucky this time. Before that, he was still half-length. This time… the doctor regretted the deputy chief of Du’s staff: “The second time the father’s second stroke can be rescued is already rich. Big, anything else, please look at the opening.”

The life was saved, the whole body was awkward, and even the speech was ambiguous. It was more serious than the first half of the body.

Mrs. Xiaoli’s knees were soft on the knees of Mrs. Li, and there was a rush of chaos. Mrs. Li was going to take care of Mrs. Xiao’s wife, and Du’s deputy chief of staff looked at the old man who had just woken up.

In the whole life, Li Laozi’s father was inserted with a pipe, and his white hair was lying still, and except for the eyeballs, he could move slightly, and the whole person was weak and never saw the prestige of the past, and he would have a rotten atmosphere in his life. .

Du’s deputy chief of staff was not a bit of a heart. Sitting in the guard’s early move to the small stool, Du’s deputy chief of staff whispered: “Dad, you have a good rest, don’t worry about the outside.”

Father Li turned his eyes with gray eyes, and his voice was constantly ambiguous in his throat. He even lost his function. The eyes of the blind man blocked something, even the single sound he sent. Have to listen carefully.

After looking at it for a while, Du’s deputy chief of staff finally listened clearly.


It turned out that Li Chun, the son of Li Chuhai, was a foreigner. When Li Chuhai returned to China to protect Li Jun, he also got a fake Li Jun and came back to marry everyone.

Really Li Jun came back, he once saw this as a husband.

“Juner has Ronghua over there, you can rest assured, I will call and ask Ronghuan about the situation. If Junjun is fine, I will let him go back to Beijing to accompany you soon.”

Although Li’s father was full of body, his mouth could not be said, but his hearing was not damaged, his brain was not confused, and he heard that he nodded and tried to shake his head. Some of them were anxious, and the eyes of the blind who had blocked something had broken the wind. Voice, this time, Du’s deputy chief of staff did not understand what he wanted to say.

“You don’t want Jun to come back? I want him to come back and nod, don’t want him to come back, you shake your head.”

Li Laozi nodded.

“Well, I will contact Rong Huan immediately after I will go out, as long as Jun, there is nothing to return to Beijing.”

Du’s deputy chief of staff just finished, and Li’s father shook his head again. This time, Du’s deputy chief of staff really did not understand what he meant.

La la la, see you at night, see you at night.

(End of this chapter)

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