Chapter 5275 is big

It’s hard to swear to the old man.

The old man is his biological father. No matter how he does not have the responsibility of his father, everyone knows that Li Ronghuan is the son of the old man. Now the old man is dead, and his son will certainly kneel down.

It’s not difficult to squat, it’s not difficult to swear.

Li Jia, he doesn’t want it at all!

Li Shuang squats, three heads squat, Li Shuang swears, obedient to let Mrs. Li can not believe.

Xiaoli’s wife did not think that Li Ronghuan really swears, she wants to see a clue from Li Ronghua’s face, but she can’t see what Li Ronghuan really wants.

She swears that she doesn’t believe it!

Mrs. Xiaoli, who wants to get the Li family to fight for a lifetime, naturally won’t believe it.

Li Ronghuan, regardless of whether she believed or not, was swearing after three gimmicks, got up, turned around, and didn’t want to leave it.

When he walked to the door of the intensive care unit, he thought of something again. He turned again and watched the two mothers and daughters of Li’s father suddenly tightened. He stared at Li Ronghuan, who turned around, and defended like a wolf.

“Li Jun, you informed me, I will not care about it, lest anyone think that I want to harm Li Jun.” After finishing the last sentence, Li Ronghuan completely left.

Le Ronghuan came out of the hospital and went straight back to the hotel. When he returned to the hotel, he opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate. After drinking a glass of red wine, he remembered that he had forgotten to inform the most important person.

How did he forget the nephew Li Lannian!

I took out the mobile phone and immediately sent a text message to Li Lannian, telling Li Lannian that the big tree had already hurt the roots, and the old man died, to see if he could take time off to go to the funeral, and the uncle would drink a drink or something.

The text message is very happy, there is no sadness.

Over there, the deputy chief of staff of Du, who received the news of the death of the old father-in-law, rushed to the hospital from the headquarters. Du Jiayi, who had been off for two days, also received the news. The steps broke out of the house and all the way went to the hospital.

The two children and two women born by Mrs. Li have all received news that the eldest son and daughter are not in Beijing. It takes a little time to get back.

Du Jia was all dispatched to the hospital, and Li’s father and son had received news. All of them were shocked and sighed, their biggest backing… fell!

Doesn’t it mean that you have been rescued?

How… How do you go and leave?

Hurry to the hospital to rush to arrange the aftermath of Lao Li.

Commander-in-chief Xia learned that his father died at 10 o’clock in the morning, and he was a little surprised. “Isn’t that better? How do you go and leave? Did you hear anything?”

“It is said that Li Ronghuan said something, and Li’s father was alive and dead. The doctor’s mouth was tight, and the nurse was aggrieved. He only revealed a little bit, saying that Mrs. Li had killed Li Chuhai.”

The Li family has always been stared. After Li’s father’s stroke, he was relaxed. Li Ronghuan’s return to the country was somewhat moving, and the summer commander also knew.

Li Ronghuan told Li Xiaonian the purpose of returning to China. Li Xiaonian immediately told Xia Jinyuan, Xia Jinyuan immediately told the commander-in-chief of Xia, and clearly understood the purpose of Li Ronghuan’s return to the country. What he did was to tidy up the Li family several times. The commander-in-chief believed that Li Ronghuan’s return to China only wanted the Li family to fall, and did not stare at Li Ronghuan.

Li Ronghuan sent Ye Jian to the investigation, and the commander-in-chief of Xia was not clear.

At this moment, I heard the words “Li Chuhai”, and the commander-in-chief of Xia was slightly stunned. “Investigate clearly what happened at that time, the sooner the better!”

Mrs. Li killed Li Chuhai? How did Li Ronghuan suddenly mention this matter?

La la la, good night. On the 27th, or on the 28th, there is an estimated explosion of about 40,000 words… Which day I am very forgotten, let me talk about it in advance and try to save it.

(End of this chapter)

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