Chapter 5278 People’s Heart

There is no mention of Fu Jia, Mr. Fu Lao and Fu Yusheng are all scientific researchers. Although the network is wide and the scientists are all important scientists, the research of scientists is a master, and other aspects are general.

This is why Mr. Fu Lao deliberately found Xia Laozi, personally told the Xia family’s father, his only granddaughter asked Xia Jia to protect more.

Because, Mr. Fu Lao knows that once Ye Jian has something out, the first time he can come forward is the summer home.

Li Lannian did have some panic. He had always been calm and he had the only sister, Ye Jian, and he could not do anything to calm down.

Now with the commander-in-chief of summer, I feel a lot calmer in my heart.

“You have to hand in the things in your hand, return to Beijing as soon as possible, and more contact with Li Ronghuan. Li has several accidents in recent months, and he has his handwriting.”

Commander-in-chief of Xia is also a younger generation who regards Li Lannian as his own. He reminds Li Lannian of what he wants.

In the evening, Li Lanyin, who was working in the evening, left the army by car and flew back to Beijing at 5:30 in the morning. At this time, the aftermath of Li’s father was also arranged in an orderly manner.

Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife has been accompanying Lao’s father. The whole person seems to be ten years old. Every visitor will comfort Xiaoli’s wife to take care of herself and take care of herself.

Thank you, Mrs. Xiaoli, who is coming to the guest, seems to be arrogant at any time. Anyone who looks at it is extremely embarrassed. He can’t help but say, “Old lady, what difficulties do you have in the future, what needs us to help, please open your mouth.”

People often sympathize with the weak, respect the old and love the young and the Chinese virtue. The old lady of Xiaoli is now the “old man” who respects and respects. Who will be unwilling to go with an old man, Li Laozi is no longer there, the following people will naturally Respect the old lady of Xiaoli.

As for Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife, will there be anything that needs their help, so that they can be resolved as long as they are not big things.

A long-term home, the old lady who has been serving the old man can do anything big, nothing more than how the Li family’s property is divided.

They all think so, so it is natural to say “Look for them to help” and so on.

This is what Mrs. Xiaoli wants.

She told Mrs. Li to remember these people so that they could easily contact them, let them all stand on their side, and hold all the Li family in their hands. They must not let the outsiders take advantage of the Li family. The way is silent, and it is sought.

Li’s father was very indifferent to his stepmother’s movements.

How far can the boat of Lijia go, and the position where he is getting higher and higher is getting higher and higher, and his father’s heart is becoming more and more clear, and he has already spelled out his own way, and he has left the control of Li’s father. There is no difference between Li and Li.

The stepmother wants Li’s family to give her, is she able to hold the Li family’s big ship… I’m not optimistic.

When the old man is gone, the hearts of the people will be scattered. Everyone is fine, who will sell for an old woman?

That is to say, her stepmother thought that she could become, and take the other people’s guest words seriously, thinking that all of them would look at the father’s share to give her a few thin faces.

People go to the tea to cool, give you a three-point thin face and don’t take it too seriously.

The cold-eyed father of the stepmother’s various small movements took back his eyes and ignored it. Li Ronghuan was almost the same. The two brothers did not think about the Li family, and they ushered in the unprecedented harmony of the Li family.

(End of this chapter)

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