Chapter 5284

Major General Yang is not really coming from Jingli. He just happened to be out of tolerance in a certain southwestern aviation group. It is not far from the airborne troops where Ye Jian is located. He is going to look at Ye Jian after the end of his business.

The official business has not yet completely ended. The party that received the military command to temporarily enter the airborne troops immediately went abroad to perform a high-risk mission, and the return period is uncertain.

Yang Shaozhi immediately called Ye Jian’s army and learned that Ye Jian was not in the team at this time, but entered the low-altitude mountain area for winter training. The specific location is not convenient.

This is his own soldier. As a result, he still has an “inconvenient to tell”. Yang Shaojiang’s heart is overwhelmed by the river. Don’t mention it.

Contacting the teacher of the hole, Yang Shao, who knows the specific location, asked the head of the Army Aviation Corps. The head of the Army Aviation Group pointed to the military map. It was a coincidence. It was separated by two mountain bags, very close!

When Yang Shaomei heard it, he said that he had come to the scene immediately. When he saw the young general Yang, he was shocked.

The first sentence of the meeting said: “Mr. Yang, are you being blown by the wind?”

When he got there, he was scared.

Yang Shao, who was blown by the wind, was even more frustrated at this moment. It’s a good teacher, and listening to his tone is another plan!

I have long been “other plans”, but I have never been so cautious, the Confucius God is coughing, and answered very seriously. “Yes, if there is no urgent matter, I really can’t let Xiaoye leave. After all, now Xiaoye is our airborne force. A member of the female soldier class, there are training tasks on the body, how can I leave it casually.”

Hey, if the file of Xiaoye is transferred with her airborne troops, how good! Nowadays, he can more and more appreciate the female soldier of Xiaoye, and he is more and more reluctant to let go, even once thought quietly, and hopes that the army will forget to transfer Ye Jian to the airborne troops.

Just think about it, the army will forget the leaflet? Daydreaming is more practical.

Major General Yang was stunned by the Confucius, and he smiled. “Master Confucius, Xiaoye is just to cooperate with your work. If the army is in a hurry, we have the right to call back the leaflet at any time. You, you, take care and accept it. Don’t go any further, think about what you shouldn’t think.”

Oh, huh, can’t do it, don’t you still want to think about it?

The same smile that reveals the smile of the skin, but the teacher of Confucius said: “Suddenly remembered that Major General Yang was also a veteran of the Southwest Airlines, I suddenly wanted to cut off with Yang Shao.”

The Army Aviation, referred to as Lu Hang, is a unit of the Army’s compilation sequence. Yang was the former soldier of the Army. The snow squad was set up for land-based operations. Later, Major Yang took over and increased the combat area of ​​the snow squadron to air operations. Every special brigade commander must drive attack helicopters, transport helicopters and various types of service helicopters. Slowly, the special forces of the snowfield brigade in the back of the fighter can operate.

Yang Shao, who returned to the old army out of tolerance, did not want to cut off the snowballs that fell to the shoulders, and the smile of the passengers’ sleeves. “Next time, this time is a bit urgent, you need to take Ye Jian away immediately. I also welcome the hole at any time. The teacher asked me to cut.”

Master Kong is about to bite the posterior alveolar. I want to put this squad of the army general who is not moving, and directly buried it with snow on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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