Chapter 5288 is very excited

It was only patrolling from the outside ten minutes before Liabe’s Xia Jinyuan. He was sweating. He was just in the camp and was called by the colonel who was responsible for the work of the Chinese peacekeeping camp. The colonel had not started talking, domestic calls, communications. Soldiers report to work.

It’s not a secret to send peacekeepers to Libya in the country. Hey, Xia Jinyuan also listened to one side, knowing that there will be 50 peacekeepers coming to Libya, 40 of them, 10 Female soldier.

This is also the first time that the Chinese side has sent female soldiers to come to peacekeeping. Before that, they were all male soldiers. Even if there were women accompanying them, they were mostly doctors and nurses.

The female soldier’s team leader is Ye Jian, and Xia Jinyuan’s side is cold and he hears the word “Ye Jian” and he has been stunned for a while. When the communicationsman left, he asked the colonel.

The colonel saw him asking, and asked, “Well, I have confirmed that the day after tomorrow will bring female soldiers into the camp. How, do you know? Girlfriend?”

The completion of the latter sentence is a bit of a joke. Their lieutenant colonel is quite interesting. A famous doctor in the camp wants to be a medium and introduce a nurse from the doctor team. As a result, the lieutenant colonel will see the doctor and The nurse walked around.

The nurse’s self-esteem was slightly hurt, and he cried a few times in secret. The lieutenant colonel told the doctor who wanted to be a mediator, saying that he had a girlfriend and a soldier. The nurse was well received.

Xia Jinyuan was laughing all the time, and he readily admitted, “Yes, my girlfriend. I haven’t contacted for almost a year. Suddenly, it really gave me a huge surprise.”

The colonel who was purely casually asked was shocked. “It’s really a girlfriend, so it’s a coincidence.”

“Well, it’s a coincidence.” Xia Jinyuan wanted to keep a smile, but the surprise was huge. The joy in the depths of his heart was not controlled by manpower. He couldn’t stop laughing.

The whole portrait was wrapped in a mass of cotton, in the clouds, fluttering to some unreal.

When the colonel saw this, he couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s been a long time since I didn’t contact for a year. It’s better. You will drive to pick them up the day after tomorrow.”

Microton, and asked, “Do she know that you are here to maintain?”

Thinking about it, Xia Jinyuan shook his head. “It’s not clear.”

He and his comrades did not receive the peacekeeping mission in advance, and informed him that night, leaving the team to join the next day and immediately came to Libya’s peacekeeping force, he did not have time to inform Ye Jian.

Therefore, it is quite certain that his little fox does not know that he is also in Libby.

“I don’t know, that’s better! I will arrange for you to pick up the day after tomorrow, and give your girlfriend a surprise by the way? How? Accept the arrangement?”

Too much to accept the arrangement!

Xia Jinyuan put a blue helmet in the corner of his arm and saluted the colonel of the compassionate soldier. “Resolutely obey the arrangement and successfully complete the task with practical actions!”

The day after tomorrow, he was really looking forward to the day after tomorrow, and soon saw that he had not met for nine months, only occasionally had a girlfriend who called by phone.

The colonel gave him a huge surprise, and he also had to give the little fox a huge surprise.

The summer star school where the big stepping star left the tent didn’t take a few steps. The smile in the handsome face converges a little. The dark and deep black scorpion has already had a few dark colors, but it quickly pressed down, and the meager lips curled up again. .

The meager lips have been bent, but there are blue helmets to cover up, and the pace is sharp, and no one pays more attention to him. At least the peacekeepers will not pay attention to them.

However, the comrades of the Snowy Brigade are not necessarily.

(End of this chapter)

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