Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5291 - Who will pay them?

Chapter 5291 Who will pay for them?

These children are the children who played football on the routine patrol that day. T6 kicked their football directly, and they could find a new football in the future. The Liabi rebels launched a full-scale war. The children were also sent to the Chinese peacekeeping camp.

With the addition of adults, these dark-skinned children were very happy. When K7 suddenly came up with an upside-down gold hook to kick the football into the net, a child excited to the loud voice: “Oh, my God, he also Will be the spirit of Weimai. God, he will. If Weimai can see, he will be happy.”

After the palms were finished, the child suddenly became silent and the rest of the children were silent.

Because their little companion, Vimy, couldn’t see it anymore. He was bombed on the day and they couldn’t find his body.

The T6 eyelids were red, and Weimai, who ran over and took the football that was kicked by him, told him not to pay, kicking something inside, and then sewing it with a needle.

After all the reporters in the Bay of the Sea were rescued, they saw these children in the camp. Only then did they know that Vijay had no chance to play football. Only then did he know that Weimai’s biggest wish was to see a new football one day. .

Weimai, who died in the gunfire, could no longer see it.

Liabi, a good place where the sky is blue, the land is wide, and the rare mines are rich. Before the war broke out, the people’s life here is not rich, but it is comfortable and happy enough.

After the war broke out, it became a human purgatory.

The female soldiers who took the transport plane embarked on this piece of the eye, all of which were yellow, and the blue sky was like a mirror in the territory of other countries. They saw that the airport building that had not been rebuilt after half of the bombing, the first time really saw the female soldiers in the battlefield. The heart is tightening.

“This is a place where the rebels, government forces, and militants jointly negotiated a zone of peace. The entire Libyan state, only the airport here is a zone of peace, and no firepower is allowed to spread.”

The person in charge who directly entered the airport to meet the peacekeepers said, his expression was extraordinarily serious and serious enough to make the hearts of all the peacekeepers feel heavy to the chest.

Ye Jianyuan sighed, and his heart sighed slightly.

“Our trucks are parked outside the airport. After leaving the airport, you must remember that the rifles in your hand must not leave, always hold tight, because they may be used at any time.”

“You don’t have to be nervous after entering the theater. If there is any situation, we will deal with it immediately, and you may be able to start the battle immediately. The rifle in hand is the life-saving weapon for us to survive.”

The peacekeepers who first entered the war-torn country were even more clenched with their rifles, and their expressions became more and more cold.

From this moment on, they are real peacekeepers, a peacekeeper who is likely to sacrifice here at any time.

The squad leader Yang Zhen secretly glanced at the leaf instructor standing next to her. She saw her expression calm, and even the movement of the gun was easy and natural. She couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s not a leaf instructor, the psychological quality is not good.”

As a squad leader, she couldn’t help but feel nervous when she heard that she would be ready to fight. The leaf instructors were as calm and calm as before. There were many more places where she needed to learn from Ye.

Yang Zhen, who was taking a deep breath, tried to relax herself until she left the team. She heard the comrades around her breathe lightly and lightly.

Xia Jinyuan, who was picking up outside, raised his wrist and looked at the watch. The slender fingers holding the steering wheel popped up from time to time, and he could see that he was not very calm at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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