Chapter 5303 is trapped

According to the temper of Xia Jinjin, if it is the soldier under him, who is afraid to squat in the morning, and when he comes to his temper, just get up.

Just coming from the country, the peacekeepers who have not yet entered the camp will be able to cross the plane when they get off the plane. Even if this group of soldiers is calmed down, they will be a little bit flustered.

They have not yet been accustomed to the environment of “sleeping with gunshots”. They have not completely replaced themselves into a war-torn country with complicated situations and dangerous places. Although they are fully prepared, there will still be a process.

For example, now is a good excess.

When I heard the gunshots and heard the calm and calm deployment of the Lieutenant Colonel, my heart was less and less panicked, and I was afraid that I would almost disappear. From the moment I was elected as a peacekeeping soldier, I was ready to sacrifice at any time. Now I am in danger. What are the fears? !

“There are three trucks to catch up, and three trucks to catch up. It is possible for the government to rebel, enter the combat state and enter the combat state.”



“It has entered combat!”

“Accelerate the speed and enter the front battle zone.”



Xia Jinyuan issued one command after another, and five cars rushed toward the front with about two kilometers of hills.

Zhongzheng was talking with the peacekeeping camp. The speed of speech quickly reported their situation. It is highly suspected that the village belonging to the Walla has been occupied by the rebels. At present, the rebel power is unknown, and we will have a fight with each other at any time.

The peacekeeping camp received contact with the front, and the responsible colonel was so cold that he was chilling. Libya had problems within the government. The negotiations continued but there was no result for a long time. The United Nations refused to join the Libya government several times. Now, well, even a village is ignorant of the rebels.

Soon the government army learned that a village of the Walla was occupied by the rebels. During the confirmation process, the government troops not far from the Walla villages insisted that the village was safe.

As for why there are rebels wearing miscellaneous military uniforms, it is the own armed forces of the Walla.

Why did you drive to stop the Chinese peacekeepers? There must be some misunderstanding.

Every bite is fixed, and the government will not send troops to check the situation. Even if it is really necessary to send troops, the rebels will stop there, the government forces will not easily launch a gun battle, and everything is still under negotiation. As long as the whole Libya moves, it will enter a new round of war.

The Liabi government does not want to have any more wars.

The rebels are too familiar with the leadership of the Libya government. They themselves are the government’s division of the mutiny. How can they not understand it?

What are the government military’s ideas and what are the purposes? The rebels are very clear on this side. They know that the government forces are jealous and do not dare to confront them easily.

If it wasn’t for Xia Jinyuan’s advance notice that the government forces stationed near the Walla villages were different, it would be possible for the rebels to cross the sea.

How can a village with its own armed forces be suddenly occupied by the rebels without any exchange of fire? Speaking out, no one really believes.

The latest report came from the front. The Chinese peacekeepers who came to Libya were attacked by the rebels on the way to the camp. Because the Chinese peacekeepers were alert, they first noticed that there were differences in the villages ahead, so they avoided the danger and evacuated in the first place. The two sides have had a fierce exchange of fire. The Chinese have no casualties.

La la la, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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