Chapter 5308 Long-term plan

Domestically, the commander-in-chief of Xia had stunned his temples late at night, and when he turned off the TV, he took a short break and worked at the desk.

The situation in Liabi is more complicated than it was a year ago. The Chinese sent a total of 370 peacekeepers. Their task is not a general one.

The peacekeepers are in danger, and the engineering team supporting the construction of Liabi is also in danger. The special forces of the snowy brigade sent out several months in advance with the arrival of Ye Jian, the task that they really sent to them should be coming soon.

At the desk, the Commander-in-Chief of the Duan turned a document with a “top secret” watermark. This is a personal document and a task that Xia Jinyuan needs to accomplish.

A core scientist at a certain country has been under house arrest for a year because he wants to return to China. The task of the special forces of the Snow Group is to rescue the scientist.

Five months ago, before the defense, I received an email with all the strange symbols. After receiving the email, the information processor did not treat it as a mischievous email because the email address is encrypted and the email address is known. It is a protected person.

Upon receiving this email consisting of special symbols, the information administrator will report to the Defense Signal Management Center as soon as possible.

After three days of deciphering, the contents of the letter were all deciphered.

A scientist who succeeded in a certain core technology in a country decided to secretly return to China. He did not alarm anyone and bought a ticket for the whole family on the grounds of traveling and vacation. He planned to transfer back to China.

Scientists know what consequences their decisions will have. Therefore, his plan did not tell any friends, even the lover and the children did not say it, but they were controlled the night before they left.

All the information on hand was confiscated, the phone in the family, the laptop that was carried with him was all confiscated, and before the notebook was taken away, he said that a very important piece of information needs to be sent to the research center, because the research center will have to be used tomorrow morning. By taking advantage of the last chance to get in touch with the computer, scientists will send the mail back to the country in a special way without leaving any traces on the computer.

The printed symbolic mail is now in the hands of Commander-in-Chief of Summer. The message of help from various chemical symbols, molecules, physical formulas, mathematical formulas, and even Roman numerals is like a book of heaven. The average person will definitely see it as one. Seal spam processing.

After deciphering, it immediately attracted the attention of the above. In order to verify the authenticity of the mail and the identity of the scientist, the national defense secretly sent people to investigate and the result was transmitted back to China one week ago.

The content of the letter is true, the scientist is under house arrest, all true, and the rescue scientist and his wife and children are imminent.

After several meetings, it was only after the wife and children of the scientists needed to be rescued that Ye Jian joined the peacekeeping force and went to Libya and Xia Jinyuan.

However, Commander-in-Chief Xia did not think that Ye Jian had rushed to the rebels in the past when they had not even arrived in the camp, causing a peacekeeper to be shot in the arm.

Libya arrived at the camp in the afternoon at 4:50, and the wounded soldiers immediately took out the bombs. The female soldiers were also arranged by the peacekeeping soldiers responsible for logistics and did not need leaflets to do everything.

When the vehicle entered the camp, Baihe stopped the car and immediately informed his comrades. When they saw their captain with Ye Jian, the G3, T6, V8 and Z7 who stood still did not suddenly pull each other. , Chao Ye is flying fast.

(End of this chapter)

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