Chapter 5359 Global Control

Z7 mentioned the key points. G3, T6, K7, and Baihe all looked at Xia Jinjin. They also looked at Ye Jian by the way. Intuition told them that the focus of Z7 was that they both had a solution.

Q Wang has overall control over the operational strategy, and the Jade Bird has a fine heart, and can think of the details that Q Wang may not have thought of. The two of them cooperate seamlessly, and the proposed combat deployment does not even need to be supplemented by other comrades.

I was too familiar with each other, Xia Jinyuan smiled and looked at Ye Jian, indicating her side.

Ye Jan smiled. “So, we still need to let Cyril know that we have a connection with Will and know the existence of Noah. How to let Cyril know the existence of Noah, you can borrow the hand of Will.” She and Xia Jinyuan discussed the plan, “We found that Will did not trust Noah, and even called disgust.”

“You can use this to bring Willa into our camp and work with Will. Of course, before you can work with Will, you must first let him know that we and Noah’s people are doing it.”

Otherwise, why let Will believe that we will help remove Noah.

Also, we need to rescue Alice Cheng, who is likely to fall into Noah’s hands. I believe that Will will be very happy to see and remove Noah through us.

The plan is out, the comrades have decapitated, yes, it can be countered!

“Noah, on the other side, which side of the power?” T6 asked, he missed some consultations in a coma, coupled with a slight concussion, Xia Jinyuan, Ye Jian did not tell him what the comrades in the surgery guessed.

Among them, including the power of Noah’s representative.

“Noah is a soldier, so 90% of the people behind him are the countries of the house arrest.” Xia Jinyuan said: “Before the T6 was stunned, he heard the voice of Alice Cheng who was taken away again, no fear. Only angry, I initially suspected that Alice. Cheng knew Noah.”

In order to let the people on the monitoring side see their own drinking and drunk, Xia Jinyuan really gave himself a few cups. At this time, his jade-like beauty with a little bit of wine came up with a bit of twilight. This is very beautiful, with a bit of twilight, that Yan is even more beautiful than a woman.

The beauty is beautiful, it is not very good-looking, and there is a cold eye between the eyebrows, even if he knows that he looks good and does not dare to look at it.

Ye Jian silently screwed the hotel’s mineral water and silently drank half of the bottle. Others were afraid of his cold eyebrows, but her girlfriend was not afraid, so she didn’t pay attention to his face value. Hey, it’s down.

Ye Jian, who drank half a bottle of water, listened to him and continued to say that Xia Jinyuan did not find Ye Jian’s short-term gaffe, and told him all the doubts and clues.

“I guess, Alice Cheng is a bait in itself. How did she with her son escape from the country’s surveillance to Melaburn? Individuals can’t have such a great ability, let alone her country.” The person who came out will let her escape with her child?”

Just say one at the beginning, let everyone feel a glimpse.

That’s right, this is the biggest problem!

“She doesn’t have that great ability, so there is only one guess. It is the country that intends to let her go and arrange for her to come to Melaburn.”

Huh? Interested in letting her come to Melaburn?

Some of them don’t quite understand it, and Ye Jian also slightly twists his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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