Chapter 5377

Aibei had no way to refuse. He knew that he could not escape from the hands of the two. He only accepted.

Abe accepted a few words, do not know what he said Ye Jian looked at the white crane, need to wait for the translation of the white crane.

“He said that he wouldn’t call here. In another place, he had to walk, about ten minutes.” The little white crane caught his eyebrows. “The place is safe.”

It is very safe for Aibei, and it is not necessarily for Ye Jian and Bai He.

But since I promised Abe, it is natural to go.

At this time, the train station was not as lively as it was half an hour ago. If the big squares were all vacant, no pedestrians passed by, and the escaped pedestrians were all away from the railway station and fled to a safe place.

The late-coming policemen armed with the shield all the way out and entered the train station through the empty and unmanned square. The station was completely different. During the escape, crowded and trampled, several passengers were rushed behind. The crowds who came up stepped on and had already suffered casualties. The late police began to clean up the scene.

Noah, who was in a hurry, did not stop again. The police had come over, even if he wanted to find out the murderer who killed the two soldiers below him, he must be evacuated at this moment.

When he said “retreat”, the brown eyes were full of unwillingness, and some long and thin side faces could clearly see that he had been biting the jaw muscles and leaving with a haze.

There were still many un-driving cars on the side of the road. Some of the cars were even open, and it was able to see how scared the owners were.

Ye Jian and Bai He both took Aibei through the street, and disappeared into the corner of the street for a while.

G3 and Z7 merged there, and they celebrated.

Xia Jinyuan and Will both handled the scene and avoided the subordinates that Cyril had not left. It went very smoothly along the way.

On the other side, Ai Bai leads the way through two streets and enters a commercial street full of local products from Melbourne.

The streets are not wide, they are full of Melaburn features. There is no impact from the gun incident at the train station. People come and go, and Ye Jian also sees street performers singing and singing. The passionate songs attract many viewers. The banknotes placed in front of him in the guitar box have a small horn.

Here, you can’t see the danger, and you will be able to relax your mind and body, and you will not be able to show the smile of the mouth.

Abe, who has been tightened all over, has finally gotten relaxed, and there are smiles on the face with tears. After walking through two cart-shaped small stalls, his fingers dialed the small silver bell hanging on the stall and asked the crane. “Mr. Will, will he have something?”

After asking, he immediately took back the sight of the white crane and secretly glared at his fingers.

Bai He smiled and said: “There will be no problem. We are all the bodyguards who asked him to come back to protect him. He will not have anything.”

I heard that Mr. Will wouldn’t have anything, and Abe’s eyes seemed to be brighter. “Really? But…”

What he thought of, his eyes fell again, the white crane and Ye Jian secretly exchanged their eyes, and the white crane smiled like a big brother next door. “What? You can tell us.”

“Cyril, he will not let Mr. Will easily let go, he still needs Mr. Will’s cargo ship to deliver for him.” Abe’s look once again became anxious, “You are Mr. Will’s bodyguard, you will always protect Mr. Will?”

(End of this chapter)

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