Chapter 5379 Mutation

Really want to say, Will will not have an incident has nothing to do with their eight people, it is clear that all clear.

If you risk it, you must insist on speaking alone. It seems that there is a secret that is more important than life.

Looking at the back of the two people, Xia Jinyuan’s voice was cold and indifferent. “I just solved the “military division” around Cyril directly. Then the people of Cyril will definitely look for Will, and Will may cooperate with Noah. Maybe we will continue to choose to work with us to deal with Noah and rescue Alice.”

“Weir is not credible.” Ye Jian calmly analyzed, “He swayed and concealed many key points. He and Cyril knew each other, but he always told us that he did not know Cyril, and even Noah was deceived. ”

“Every word he said needs to be suspected. I don’t believe that he will choose to cooperate with us. You kill the bald head around Cyril, and Will may cooperate with Noah and even tell Cyril. We killed the bald head.”

After that, the top of the head was smashed by Xia Jinyuan. “Don’t forget, we are the mercenaries that Will invited. Everything we do is inseparable from Will. He will not turn around. Cyril is sincere, and it is possible to choose to cooperate with Noah again.”

“Can Noah believe him? It’s hard, and Will, who is a businessman, knows very well. It’s us, he will be more satisfied with it.”

“Because, on the way I just came, Will told me that Noah has been constantly threatening his family. He wants us to solve Noah and let her family no longer be threatened by Noah.”

“As for Cyril, he said that he is willing to cooperate, so that Cyril thinks that the person who kills the bald head is Noah. On the one hand, the guy who threatens the safety of his family, on the other hand, he is the mercenary who pays the high price and comes back to work for the money. Will, who is a tall man, is more willing to believe in the mercenaries he is coming back to.”

Will took Aibei through the street, as if he was worried that Xia Jinyuan would come over, and he turned his head and looked at it with caution. He saw that the mercenaries he had come back to stand honestly, and Will was relieved.

In front, there was only one child about 10 years old carrying a bag, holding a tree branch on the ground and painting a figure that people could not understand. He painted very seriously and completely quiet in his own world.

The two had just passed by the children, and the children who had been on the ground with the doodles stood up. The leaf squats that had been keeping an eye suddenly tightened. Then she and her comrades rushed out at almost the same time.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” Xia Jinyuan sipped!

The child took out a black thing from the carrying bag, and on the Aibei passing by him, Will vaguely listened to the voice of Xia Jinjin, but the environment was too lively, and there was heavy metal music interference, he was just a head micro The ground was partial and continued to talk to Abe.


Something rang in the back, and Will saw that Abe, who was talking to himself while he was walking, suddenly stopped, and then his face became particularly painful.

Another low-pitched “砰” voice came, and Will suddenly realized what he was subconsciously reaching out to hold Abe, who was carrying it forward, “Aibei! Aibei!”

He is screaming!

Aibei, who had two shots in the back, fell, and the blood rushed out, instantly wetting the clothes on her body.

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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