Cap 5404 captured

Shearing that the hotel might have problems, Cyril did not stand in the middle of the hall as before, and regarded the hotel as a place where he was casually swaying. Instead, he sat in the sofa where the hotel rested, and the spacious and bright floor-to-ceiling glass behind the sofa was crushed. The cool night wind is poured in and the heavy curtains are blown.

Cyril, sitting on the sofa, was very alert and intentionally crushed the floor-to-ceiling glass. Once there was a difference, he could leave immediately without having to go around the hotel door.

The injured Noah was taken to the first floor from the fifth floor, passing through the dark hall and standing in front of Cyril.

He wanted to stand, but Cyril’s subordinates directly pressed him down, and Noah, who was shot in the thigh, resisted anger. He was a soldier. Even if he was captured now, the arrogance of the soldiers did not allow him to be a stigma. The obvious drug dealers kneel down.

“You should tell everyone in the hotel, stop struggling, and let go of the weapon. It is not standing in front of me, but with dignity and confrontation with me.”

Cyril opened his mouth and his voice was cool to a snake like a parade in the ditch. He could hear people crying out of his back. “I still talk to me, maybe you still have the opportunity to talk to me.”

The words just fell, the whole hotel hall is full of Noah’s screams, his thigh gunshot wounded by people with his fingers cruel…

The pain hit, and Noah hurts to be cold and sweaty.

He still did not choose to kneel down, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The gunshots of the hotel didn’t stop. Noah, who had twitched his muscles, knew they had exposed themselves for the fact that he and his soldiers could leave, but now let them stop shooting, and Cyril will not let them go.

No, he can’t let them all be exposed, they have to stay in the hotel to continue collecting useful information for the country!

Since the terrorist attacks in September three years ago, their country has been working hard to know ahead and prevent terrorist incidents in advance. Like the victims of the country like Melaburn, they must have an intelligence network.

The hotel is their intelligence network, even if he is dead, can not let the hotel exposure!

The curled Noah clung to his thighs, which blew his blood, with the greatest perseverance to suppress the inner fear, gasping, venting his pain with a great voice, almost smashed out, “Xili Mr. Er, there is a big misunderstanding between us. I have not understood why Mr. Cyril will be directed at me, what someone said, and let Mr. Cyril misunderstand me!”

“Misunderstanding? No, no, no misunderstanding, you are a white man, what you want from me, I am very clear. So! You and me have not misunderstood.”

Will, Noah thought of “someone” is Will, must have said something in front of Cyril, causing him and his soldiers to be in danger.

Cyril slowly said, with a cold smile. “It’s a pity that I won’t give you anything you want, unless you can buy them back. But I don’t want to sell you, you Only grabbed it from me.”

“Is it right, I know, it must be Will.” Noah sneered. “He wants to take Mr. Cyril to get rid of me. He must think so. Mr. Cyril, you were cheated, you were him. tricked!”

Will, this **** guy, because four paintings made him believe in him!

(End of this chapter)

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