Chapter 5410 Return

All shocked, K7 changed! he’s changed!

Not good, it is vomiting blood! V8 screamed at the heart of the chain, and he was so sad that “one of the two has no conscience, bullying us three without a girlfriend!”

“Don’t, don’t count me. When I talk about my girlfriend, your kid is still playing with mud.” Z7 raised his eyebrows. Before he joined the army, he was a young man in Beijing. Who had no girlfriend, no girlfriend, he had!

Just broke up!

The white crane without a girlfriend “has” a cry, the sound is very cool and cool, “I will go back to the country for a vacation, I will solve personal problems during the holidays.”

“I have to take a vacation!” V8 is sad!

Ye Jian took a look at V8, and then look at the long-shoulder Yuli, the handsome and gentle white crane, very pertinent to express his opinion, “I think Baihe can find a girlfriend without sitting at home.” Premise, he really wanted to find.

The V8, who was continuously injured, didn’t want to talk, saying that he didn’t have a good white crane… It was straightforward, and he said very around the circle.

Blue Bird, you are broken!

It was long with Q King and it was broken!

The sad V8 decided not to talk to these unfriendly comrades. He wanted a person to heal in silence.

Some time you hurt me, after I lost your communication, a group of eight people left the airport and returned to the embassy to arrange the vehicles for them.

Then they should return to Libya.

Liabi is still the same as before they left, the cities are constantly fighting, there is no sign of a ceasefire, the militants continue to fight the government, the rebels want to take power to replace the current government, set up a new government, three Each of the wrestling forces does not give way, so that the people are not happy, and people can’t see hope.

Once again set foot on this smashed land, Ye Jian, their line of eight faces looked very solemn, no longer after the end of the task of ease.

This is a land that has been immersed in blood and tears. There are too many sorrows to be performed every day. Life is dead, family is broken, displaced, and helpless… You can all see it in one day.

The only good news is that the rebels mixed in the capital all evacuated three days ago, and now only the militants confront the government forces in the city.

Ye Jian, who was sitting in the car, looked at the government troops walking outside. The brows that had been tightened were finally loosened. At least the rebels had left, so that these government forces could single-mindedly fight against illegal militants.

The car bumped all the way, although occasionally heard sporadic gunshots, but all the way was smooth, back to the peacekeeping camp has been around 4 pm.

At the gate of the battalion, some peacekeepers standing at the gate and standing guarding the post did not know what to say. The mood seemed to be a little excited. From the back, it was a woman. Then look at the equipment on her body. She is a female war correspondent.

The peacekeepers standing at the whistle saw the vehicles parked in front of them, and then several Chinese peacekeepers with blue helmets and helmets came down. He told the reporters who spoke to himself to stand side by side. “Comrades, trouble you to stand side by side, your We confirm that we are correct, we can let you in. This is our military barracks regulations, please understand, thank you.”

After that, on the side of his body, he did not let the female war correspondent stop in front of him.

When Baihe and G3 were about to walk to the gate of the camp, they suddenly stopped. The two men stared at the front, and G3 whispered: “How is the reporter of Wanhai? How did she run to us?”

The female war correspondent who was stopped outside and thought to be scorned and excited was not someone else. It was the reporter of the Bay Hai reporter Chen Shuzhen, who was rescued by our army.

(End of this chapter)

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