Chapter 5515 Pressure

Ye Jian and the female soldiers chat, Xia Jinyuan is chatting with a peacekeeping special police captain.

Recently, in the refugee camps, although the epidemic has been effectively controlled, many follow-up work needs to be completed, such as the need to completely destroy the clothing items worn by the patients.

Subject to conditions, the way to choose to destroy is fire.

The destruction was completed by the special police. Xia Jinyuan used to encounter the head of the peacekeeping special police and led several special police officers to destroy the light. He saw Xia Jinyuan coming over, first squatting, and then flew over.

“Where it disappeared for ten days, where are you going?” The captain of the special police patted the shoulders of Xia Jinyuan, and his eyes were full of joy. “How? Is everything going smoothly?”

They are all in the same peacekeeping camp. Everyone knows each other and the relationship is not bad.

The origin of the special police captain is not simple. He is from a city in the north of China’s territory. He is a Northland anti-terrorist special police. A few years ago, Ye Jian and the weavers got off the plane and were kidnapped by an East Turkistan who disguised as a taxi driver. When Xia Jinyuan participated in the rescue, he and the Northland anti-terrorist special police had a joint operation. However, the sixth detachment was jointly fought together, and the special police captain came from the fourth detachment.

The captain who often runs the anti-terrorism front line is very clear that Xia Jinyuan’s sudden disappearance of his soldiers for a few days is definitely a major event. Now he sees Xia Jinyuan’s returning safely and he is happy.

“Yes, it’s very smooth. This is not. I have come to see you.” Xia Jinyuan reached out and punched two big men with fists and said hello in such a way. “The colonel said that you have a little bad mood these days. Why, what about the family?”

It was said that the smile on the face of the special police captain converges a little. After a while, he said: “The things in the team.”

The things in the team… The face of Xia Jinyuan has become dull.

They are from the northernmost border of our country, looking for extremists and terrorists who are destroying the border. These guys are all armed with guns. He said that the team’s things… most of them are related to these guys.

Then look at the special police captain’s face stunned, there is sorrow, and Xia Jinjin’s heart is sinking.

The accident is equal to… sacrifice.

“Two comrades died, a few days ago, I received the news the day before.” Without concealing, I found a special police captain who sat down and put his hands in his hair. The special policeman of the iron skeleton was red. Eyes.

“Before we came out, we agreed to wait for me to return to China. They came to pick me up at the airport. I also said that I have to live well. They waited for me to go back and fight together.”

“Now, I am alive in foreign countries, but they are domestic… but…”

There is no way to say it. The sound is suppressed and the eyes of the blind man seem to be locked. Half of the words can’t be spit out.

He is still alive, but they have already sacrificed.

Xia Jinyuan is silent.

At this moment, he can best understand the mood of the special police captain, because he once experienced the comrade-in-arms sacrifice, the pain of tearing the pain, and can kill the spiritual world that he believed to be strong.

“It’s very young, a 29-year-old, a 31-year-old, a young man who hasn’t got married yet. He just got a baby at the beginning of this year. Too busy, the child was born and he wasn’t around, until the child was four months before he went back.” Just like this, I will see you this time.”

The SWAT captain is about to smash all his hair. “The child was born in January, now ten months, he…he…he has seen it once.”

Good night, good night, finally the exam has not finished. I really feel tired than my own reading. Ah, ah, every night, supervision, half-barrel level of water to counsel, and occasionally lions, I really feel that the week before the exam makes me lose a big circle!

(End of this chapter)

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