Chapter 5420 is in a hurry

Taking a day and two days to go home is the limit. It is equivalent to using the original returning troops to have a day and two adjustments for the relatives to visit. After visiting the relatives, they must immediately invest in their respective training.

The old gentleman felt very satisfied. He hung up the phone and smiled at Fu Shu: “Xiao Fu, I have to go home for two days after I have a family. You, oh, the snow is not big outside, and I quickly go to the vegetable market.” Don’t let the guards go to the procurement, let’s go for it. I have to personally choose some of the best things I want to eat.”

What does Ye Jian love to eat? Ye Jian really has nothing special to eat, eat and wear the top of the leaf is the most casual.

Fu Shu dare to let the old man go out, although the snow outside is not big, but after all, it is snowing. “You can give it to me. It will take two days for a cold. You don’t want to come back to see that you are not good.” That would make her return to the team is not at ease.”

In one sentence, I would like to persuade the old gentleman.

In the heart, I also looked forward to the guardian Fu Shuwei who came back from Ye Jian to take good care of the old gentleman, took the umbrella, and drove himself to the vegetable market with the vegetable basket.

The car drove out of Danguiyuan, and Qin Xi accompanied the Qin mother who came to see her father-in-law and looked at the vehicle leaving in front. Some surprised: “Is this not the car of Fu’s family? Where are you going?”

Qin Xiu, who was sitting in the car and reading the newspaper, did not pay attention. He heard the words and looked up from the newspaper to look outside. He could not see the Fu family’s vehicle. He said: “Maybe Grandpa Fu has something to go out.”

“I can’t, old man has a cold in the past, the outside is snowing, the old gentleman can’t go out, don’t be an accident.” Qin mother is still very respectful to the old man, and quickly told the driver to drive faster, and Qin The monk: “Go first to see Fu, don’t look at my heart is not practical.”

The old gentleman and the father-in-law are both old people. The oldest person in the old age is the winter. Even in the north with heating supply, the old man is hard to get married.

Otherwise, she will not come to Danguiyuan in the snowy days, that is, she is not worried about her father-in-law.

Although Qin mother is arrogant, filial piety is one-of-a-kind.

Qin Xiu did not have the heart to read the newspaper at this time. He folded the newspaper in the storage bag behind the passenger seat and told the driver to drive a little faster.

The newspaper with the corner of the delivery bag is exactly the same as the newspaper that the old gentleman read. Qin Xiu also saw the false report of the Bay Sea, but did not recognize the second photo and printing on the report. The somewhat blurred figure of the female soldier was Ye Jian.

When I arrived at Fu, the car just stopped, Qin mother did not let Qin Xiu come over and help, and pushed the car door and hurriedly got off the car and pressed the doorbell.

Going a little anxious, the cold wind wrapped in the snow and smashed into the eyes of the blind, and the mother Qin couldn’t help but cough. Then Qin Xiu, who got off the train, took a few steps and passed, and helped Qin mother. “Mom, you have to be at Fu’s home. After a fall, Grandpa Fu will not be willing to go.”

In the end is my mother, because of Du Jiayi’s case, Qin Xiu has another opinion, he is not likely to know about Qin mother. In addition, Qin mother did not force Qin Xiu again this year, and Qin Xiu did not avoid Qin mother again.

And Qin mother saw that her son was no longer as cold-faced as before, and she was not afraid of her more or less.

Of course, the most important thing is… she has no energy to keep an eye on Qin Xiu. Now Qin’s most troublesome thing is Qin Ying who wants to steal the Hukou book every day!

Qin Ying has been chasing a poor soldier. The poor soldiers have not accepted it. They are still hiding from Qin Ying… This matter has been spread in Beijing. There are a few Miss Qianjin who are not used to Qin Ying. At the party, I ridiculed Qin Ying, and I could take Qin’s motherhood to a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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