Chapter 5424 Compromise

When it comes to family life, Qin mother has a stomach again. She now only finds reasons for opposition in her home life.

“But that is a small county, it is biased. Sakura marries in the past, the man is often not at home, she went to the unfamiliar place, the neighbor is not the man’s relatives and friends, is the neighbor, after she Affected by grievances and sinned, there is no way to stay away from Beijing’s maiden’s family.

“Mom, when you are still in the old society, do you often have a bad mother-in-law to bully a daughter-in-law? Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandpa Fu are all old people from the old society. Do you see three old people who are interested in marrying their daughters?”

“That’s not the same.” Qin mother squinted at the son who always dragged himself back. “Your grandparents, Grandpa Fu are all knowing how to make a gift, how can you make it…”

Suddenly, Qin mother has no way to accept the mouth, and said that the book knows the ceremony… The officer’s family teaches a house, who can compare their family to know the book.

Qin Xiu got into the ear of the old gentleman and said a low sentence. Mr. Fu Lao could not help but have some accidents.

Sakura likes the officer who is also a special soldier?

It seems that… as if after returning from his granddaughter, the young officers he contacted were all special forces.

“You don’t want to sue something that Sakura doesn’t like, and you don’t pick the man’s family. If you are good or bad, you should read it first, and then express your opinion.”

“Qin Ying can choose free love and marry freely. Then, as a parent, you can also put forward your own opinions and opinions, so that Sakura can understand more clearly what path he has chosen. Even if he goes wrong, it is also Her own choices, resentment.”

“However, I still believe that Sakura’s vision is not wrong, and Xiao Xiu’s vision is not bad.”

My sister Qin Ying’s eyes are good or bad. Qin Xiu is not arrogant, but he feels that his vision is really good. He likes Grandpa’s granddaughter and his eyes are really good.

Can you have a good eye and what is the use?

He is a later one, and he likes him and does not allow himself to do things that are against morality.

Qin mother should remember Mr. Fu’s words in his heart, and wait for Fu Jia, she said to Qin Xiudao: “Sister, do you want to take a moment to see your sister’s favorite officer? Did not see before, Mom I am not at ease in my heart.”

After that, Qin mother was somewhat indignant. “I also complain that I don’t agree. At first, I asked your sister to bring me back to me. Let me say it again. It is your sister who always said that there is no time for men, no vacation. Nothing is not there, there is no time in my girlfriend’s home, people have not seen it, my heart is cold and half!”

Some loose, but did not immediately agree, Qin Xiu believes that it is already a good news.

“I have a chat with my sister to see if I can go over it. You don’t have too much hope, and the other party may not have time.”

Both Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan are special forces. It is common for both of them to stay in the year and a half.

Qin mother, who has no way, nods. “When you do, you help the mother to handle this.”

“Good.” Qin Xiu nodded and helped Qin mother to go to the Qin family.

What did the mother Qin and Qin Xiu did not think of, they soon saw the officers who had no time in Qin Ying’s mouth, high and high, a talent, that is… some black.

Well, it’s not black, it’s black to reflect!

Two days later, Qin mother looked at the officer who was brought back by her daughter and almost wanted to ask if this is a foreigner!

Good night, good night, I also found out that there are always problems in the chapter. It is estimated that it is the reason for the revision. It is better to brush a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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