Chapter 5435 Sovereignty

“Without outsiders, Li Laozi was greeted by Li Rong’s sorrow, or was passed away by Mrs. Li. It is still a mystery.”

“Why did the death of Li Chuhai have a relationship with Mrs. Li, and it was also rumored outside. It was said that Li Chuhai was the criminal body and escaped from the country, because Mrs. Li asked him to come back and was legally sanctioned. Also said that Li Chuhai When he did something that was irritating, he was stared at him and told him that he had escaped from the police who had been chased by him.

Xia Jinyuan heard that the darkness and darkness are unknown. It is a rumor that cutting off some corners is the truth of the matter.

In this way, those who have come out of these rumors must know some insider, then… Xia Jinjin’s heart suddenly grows awkwardly, and Qin Xiu said: “We will go hiking again in the next day and come here today.”

He had to go to ask his old man to become a real person. The rumors were not clear enough, but his old man had to check it out absolutely!

Qin Xiu asked Xia Jinyuan to go out and leave is a fake. It’s true that you can talk about it. I haven’t talked about it yet. Xia Jinyuan is anxious to leave. Qin Xiu raised his hand and held the iron chain on the area. The action is somewhat big. The chain of small stone pillars on both sides swayed, and the snow that fell into strips fell off the edge, revealing a whole rusted chain.

“When are you going to marry Ye Jian?” He suddenly asked, the jaw line was slightly tight, and the elegant and handsome look calm, but in fact the heart was colic with the question.

Asking a girl you like to marry someone is cruel to yourself.

And Qin Xiu wants to end his thoughts on Ye Jian in such a cruel way. It’s been too long. It’s been too long. He used to like Ye Jian quietly for a long time. He used to check her before going to bed every day. The photo, long time… let him think that this life is estimated to like her.

As the pro-sister said, the girl who likes a famous flower has too much pain. He likes to let go for so long. He wants to let go and wants to let go.

Even if he is cruel to himself, he must do the same.

Xia Jinyuan, who is preparing to go down the mountain, really did not think that Qin Xiu would actually ask himself when he was married with Ye Jian. If he suddenly came over and suddenly left, let him know that he still read Ye Jian, and he would see him so calmly. I was really deceived by him, thinking that she would put down Jane early.

Asked about the problem that he would be greatly hurt, Xia Jinyuan was now admired for the gentleman style of the master, knowing that the other side remembered his girlfriend, Xia Jinyuan could not give birth to a bit of dislike of Qin Xiu.

From the beginning, Qin Xiu was a gentleman.

If you change to him, I am afraid it is difficult to do it.

The smile replied, “She graduated last year and is still working hard for her own career. I am not in a hurry. It will take several years for marriage.”

It still takes a few years…

Qin Xiu’s eyebrows cover the oysters in his eyes. “Why don’t you get married early? If you get married, you can work hard for your career.”

When he got married, he should be more able to break his mind.

“Jane wants to get married in the next few years. I respect her thoughts. Married in the next few years will not affect my feelings. Then I will be a few years later. I don’t want to marry her because of marriage. How happy she is, how can I rely on it?” And.”

Although admire the style of Qin Xiu’s gentleman, but the defense is still to be guarded, can not be taken lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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