Chapter 5441 Inference

Xia Jinyuan repeatedly asked for mercy, and Ye Jian’s hand was released, and he was afraid that he would continue to let go, and blinked. “No more follow me, go upstairs and rest.”

She will continue to help Fu Shu in the kitchen, first to the guy who gave her troubles to go upstairs to rest.

Xia Jinyuan actually has a business to find her, and her waist is fluttering by her girlfriend. She looks at the kitchen sideways. Qin Xiu said that she hasn’t come out yet: “Mr. Qin, you help me in the kitchen first, and later I and Ye Jane came over to take over.”

“No, no, I am not busy here.” Fu Shu hurriedly refused. “You work hard every day. When you return home, you should rest well. You will be handed over to you in the kitchen. You will be bored and play cards. Watching TV also makes it. Don’t come to the kitchen to mess up me.”

Fu Shu, who was born in the accident class, has always taken care of the old gentleman. The life in the kitchen has never been a problem. It is more convenient to turn around in the kitchen alone.

Ye Jian in the kitchen, Fu Shuke has not banged for two times, but she did not let her help.

Qin Xiu was also bombarded by Fu Shu, and he said to Xia Jinyuan: “Fu Shu suspects that I am in the way, you have something…” He looked at Xia Jinjin, thinking that he suddenly came down from the mountainside, and the sharp-minded diplomat guessed that Xia Jinyuan must be What are you in a hurry to find Ye Jian, “You go to work, the two are there to take care of me.”

Xia Jinyuan is really not polite, pulling Ye Jian on the floor.

Qin Xiu’s light standing in the living room condensed slightly. If you stand thoughtfully for a while before returning to the chess room, what is urgent? What emergency is suddenly going to find Ye Jian?

From the mountain down, I did not see him looking for Ye Jian, but went to the upstairs room.

No, no, it’s a bit wrong.

When he walked to the door of the tea room, Qin Xiu’s death stopped. He mentioned Li’s family and talked about the death of Li Chuhai. He talked that Li’s father might have been mad at the hospital and talked about the rumors about Li’s family in Beijing. Then Xia Jinyuan said that he is here today.

Xia Jinyuan is because of the matter of hearing the Li family, is this coming down?

Li Jia? Xia Jia?

The two families have no grievances and no communication. How do you look at Xia Jinjin here?

I can’t see that he cares very much. When he mentioned Li Jiashi, Xia Jinyuan’s expression has been faint, and there is no strange reaction. Then why is he…

and many more……

Qin Xiu’s hand holding the thermos suddenly glimpsed, and the elegant and handsome face was a bit dark, Li Chuhai… but was killed, although I did not know where it was killed, but Li’s father’s ability to protect Li At the beginning of the sea, it is not difficult for him to go abroad.

Can you still escape or be killed?

It’s hard to be… Li Chuhai was killed by the army? So after Xia Jinyuan listened, I thought about going down the mountain immediately?

In this way, I can explain why he suddenly said that he would come down.

Qin Xiu breathed a light breath and pressed the heart of the storm to open the tea room door. The two were still eager to “smother”. After a while, they suspected that the other party was slow, and for a while they thought that the other party had more words, just like the two children. Going for nearly three hours of Go.

Upstairs, Ye Jian listened to Xia Jinjin’s words, and the micro-sinking for a moment: “It doesn’t matter if you know it, and no one confirms to them, I am not afraid.”

“Lao Laozi has passed away. Xiaoli’s wife is now fighting with her stepchildren, and Mrs. Li has Du’s deputy chief of staff to look at her. Even if she knows that I can’t help me, Du’s deputy chief of staff will not let her go.”

(End of this chapter)

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