Chapter 5447

Qin’s father took a shot of Qin Xiu’s hand in his arm and said with kindness, “You are a goal-oriented, ambitious child who loves our motherland and is willing to use my life to work for our motherland. Grandpa is also From the age of your passion, Grandpa understands you very well, even if you tell Grandpa now that he is strong in his country’s diplomacy, he will understand it for his unmarried grandfather.”

“But repairing, grandfather is not a saint, Grandpa is a soft heart, Grandpa can understand you, but really do not want to see you alone, Grandpa is distressed.”

“Looking for a like-minded girlfriend, like Jane Shantou and Xiajia Laoliu, both of whom are military personnel, all have common goals. Even if they are separated, the two have been working together for a common goal. So, there is an invisible Buttons are attached to them, and they are separated and their hearts are together.”

“This kind of love is not just a personal love, but a sublimation of the spirit. The fit of the two souls will not dilute the feelings because of the long time separation. Instead, it will be like the wine of the old age.” Fragrant.”

“Grandpa hopes that you can find such a girlfriend. We don’t insist, and we can’t find the next one because we want to forget another person. It is unfair to the next one. Grandpa doesn’t agree.”

“Your uncle made a mistake, although Grandpa recognized Qin Yi back to the Qin family, it is because the child is innocent, but your uncle… Grandpa will not forgive him in this life.”

“You must remember that we must not make mistakes when we are young, nor do we think that no one is young and frivolous, and who did not make mistakes to comfort themselves when they were young.”

“Young and frivolous, it is a fresh clothes, because the dream of youth has done some frivolous, immature things, all mistakes must not be against morality, can not violate the principle, can not step on the pain of others, squatting others Bone blood.”

“Remember the words of Grandpa, take good care of your own path. If there are people who have something, if you have no hope, you need to be able to afford it, let it go, know?”

“Grandpa has no other hope, just hope that you can find a like-minded lover, spend a lifetime with you, honor and disgrace, and never give up.”

Qin Laozi said lowly, there are persuasion and comfort and preaching.

Qin Xiu is his most beloved grandson. He is also the most promising grandson of Qin Xiu. He hopes that his most loved grandson can be happy. He does not have to sacrifice his happiness because of his family. He listens to Qin’s arrangement. Find a girl who is a family match, and only because the girl is right with their Qin family, this is the marriage.

Qin Xiu listened very carefully and heard all the words of the old man in his ears. “I will find a girl who is like-minded and connected with her own heart. Grandpa, you can rest assured.”

“Don’t worry about me, I will handle my affairs well. You shouldn’t be angry because of what my mom is doing. My mom has no other meaning. I just want to find a person who is right with Qinjiamen. It won’t drag me. The **** the hind legs.”

“You can’t blame her for thinking this way, but the whole atmosphere of Beijing is so strong. For the sake of development, it is the most effective and convenient means to join forces and marry.”

“It’s just that my mother is wrong. We don’t need any kind of cooperation between the Qin family and the marriage. I don’t go to politics, so I don’t have to.”

“I will talk to my mother again, you and your grandmother will be relieved.”

(End of this chapter)

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