Chapter 5451 hits

There was a footstep in the corridor outside the emergency room. The sound of the high-heeled shoes was very clear at this time. At the same time, there was a voice of low voice. Ye Jian, who was talking with Mrs. Qin, did not pay attention. He was listening to Qin. Xiu did not pay attention to it. Mrs. Qin was talking about Qin Xiu’s naughty, and put the washing powder into the fish tank of the old gentleman, saying that he would bathe the fish inside.

When I was young, Qin Xiu was helpless at this moment: “Grandma, let me leave some face, then go on, she will not let me enter the door.”

Just finished, the sound of the high-heeled shoes that screamed outside was paused. Then, some people were not sure to call a “Qin brother”. When Ye Jian heard the voice, the light would sink.

Mrs. Qin’s face is also a lot faded, and it’s obviously not welcome to come.

Qin Xiu moved and looked at the people standing at the door.

Standing at the door of the emergency door, Du Jiayi saw Qin Xiu, and his heart was filled with joy, but his face was not visible at all, and he came anxiously. “Qin brother, how are you here? Is it…”

When she came closer, she saw Mrs. Qin, who was blocked by Qin Xiu, and Ye Jian, who was sitting in the innermost part. Du Jiayi was thundered, so the worried question came to an abrupt end, and her eyes were greatly looked at Ye Jian.

Ye Jian! How is Ye Jian here! How did she and Qin Xiu together, but also kissed the arm of Mrs. Qin! How can she hold the old lady’s arm and how close she is to the Qin family!

When did she get close to the Qin family, why didn’t she hear the wind!

Is she with Qin Xiu?

This monk!

Is she with Qin Xiu!

At this time, Du Jiayi was deeply stimulated by the scene in front of her heart, and it was burning with anger. If it wasn’t for a timely, “Laiyi” came from behind Mrs. Li, she woke up Du Jiayi, only she would rush to Ye Jian and point to the leaf. Jane’s nose asks.

When she heard the sound, she quickly turned her head and turned her head to adjust her facial expression. She said to Madam Li: “Mom, I am here.”

In the middle of the night, Li Ronghuan was overwhelmed by Mrs. Li, and some of them were not happy: “If you walk, you will not see the figure, and you will accompany you.”

Li Ronghuan not only angered Mrs. Li, but also angered Mrs. Xiaoli’s wife to re-enter the hospital. This shows that Li Rong’s cheers are so powerful.

When she said that she was looking for Qin, she was surprised at the first sight. “Qin Xiu? How are you in the hospital in the middle of the night?”

“Mom, the old lady is also there.” Du Jiayi sideways, so that Mrs. Li can see clearly inside.

At this moment, she has changed her expression, can’t see a little bit different, and respectfully greets Mrs. Qin. “Hello, old lady, are you unwell? Is it better now?”

Mrs. Li saw that Mrs. Qin also saw Ye Jian. When she saw Ye Jian, the shock in Mrs. Li’s heart was no less than that of Du Jiayi. Moreover, she also thought of Li Ronghuan’s saying that Ye Jian was killed by Li Chuhai. Murderer!

Du Jiayi was only jealous because of Ye Jian’s appearance in Mrs. Qin’s side, and did not think of anything else.

Mrs. Li had some slogans in the end. She was shocked again, and her face did not show a little bit. Instead, she stepped up and showed great care to Mrs. Qin. “Old lady, is your body good?”

The line of sight has not been known to Ye Jian, and the depth of the eye is full of pinpoint-like hatred.

The murderer is in front of her eyes. How can she avenge her brother?

(End of this chapter)

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