Chapter 5459 Big Question

The niece of her family has a prejudice against Ye Jian. Don’t stop, don’t ask Grandpa’s condition, first ask how Ye Jian is here.

Ye Jian’s arm is in the arms of his grandmother!

After the daughter reminded, Qin mother came back to God. “Mom, you are tired.”

“You are also tired, sit down and talk about it.” Mrs. Qin saw her daughter-in-law and gasped, indicating that she was sitting beside her.

Qin mother asked Qin Xiu, “Sister, what is your grandfather now?”

“The doctor said that the home guards were rescued in time. Grandpa is already out of danger. Now the doctor is doing a full-body examination for Grandpa.” Qin Xiu helped the pregnant Qin mother to sit down. “The doctor will come out and ask.”

“That’s good, then it’s good.” Qin mother took a picture of her chest and fell to the ground. She couldn’t trace the sight of Ye Jian and talked with Mrs. Qin. “The body of the father has always been healthy, and there will be nothing. You can rest assured.”

Qin Ying’s heart is also falling. After all, she just brought her boyfriend back, and Grandpa suddenly fell ill. This is just a coincidence. If it is passed out, there may be someone behind it. The words come.

“Qin Aunt, Qin Yingjie.” Ye Jian got up and said hello.

Qin mother nodded slightly, her expression was a little faint, and her aunt… she really didn’t dare to be.

Father is anxious, how can she accompany her old lady? Moreover, at first glance, the old lady has known for a long time. How can she not know the news?

Qin Ying went close and took Ye Jian’s hand and said, “Ye Jian, it’s really bothering you. I’m sorry for your big night with my grandmother.”

Her younger brother is also very powerful, even grabbed people from Xia Jinyuan, and also grabbed the hospital to accompany her grandmother!

In private, she has to ask questions.

“Qin Yingjie is very polite, taking care of Qin Grandma is my job, not so polite.” Ye Jian said with a smile.

Qin Ying and Qin Mu heard the words “inside the matter” and looked down on their own Qin Xiu.

I poured two cups of hot water on the V8. “Grandpa should be fine?”

“Grandpa is fine, the doctor is checking the grandfather inside.” Qin Ying saw her boyfriend greet him, and the hands between the two men clung to each other, and they felt the tension of the other party.

Not only does Qin Ying have such concerns, but V8 also has her own first time to see her parents. The father is sick that night. If this matter is passed out, I don’t know how hard it will be.

He may not hear this in the army, but his girlfriend will hear these rumors, even if Gao Pan has succumbed to others, if he still suffers such unreasonable grievances, he does not know how unwilling he would be. .

“You can rest assured that the body of the father is not a big problem.” Ye Jian also rarely sees the V8 so nervous, he has not seen him so nervous on the battlefield.

“How are you?” I saw Ye Jian’s V8 pretending to be very surprised. Shouldn’t she be with the captain? How could they be with their future nephews?

“I am here with Grandma Qin.” Ye Jian smiled and did not answer the face straight, oh, don’t think she just did not see the way he probed away.

But this scene falls in the eyes of Qin mother, but it makes her brain alarm, this girl knows Sakura’s boyfriend!

Also, there are! The old man in the middle of the night suddenly became sick. This girl was accompanied by the old lady in the hospital in the middle of the night. Where was she before? Is it difficult to be with their family before?

What are you doing in the middle of the night with their home repairers?

Qin mother wants to think more and more.

(End of this chapter)

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