Chapter 5467 Snake Letter

Du Jiayi didn’t want to endure it anymore. When she thought about it, she snorted and said her thoughts. “Mom, I always feel that this leaf slip will be a big problem. Whether she kills the murderer or not, we can’t Let her stay.”

Staying there, I don’t know how much wind and waves she will make!

Grandma Qin is facing her!

Du Jiayi, who can’t solve it immediately, made a suggestion. “Or, let’s go to the old people before the grandfather to help investigate this matter. They look at the grandfather’s face and are willing to help us.”

“It is feasible, but it needs to find a safe point.” Mrs. Li nodded. She could indeed go to the old men between the fathers. Many of them were fathers who were pulled up by hand. Naturally. If you are willing to help them investigate the truth in this sentiment, they can also use their hands to deal with the gimmick of Ye Jian. It’s just that it’s a big thing, not just looking for an individual.

I haven’t been looking for it before, and I have been rejected. This time, I can’t lose it like I used to.

After the death of the old man, the big tree of Li’s family will fall, and the hearts of the people will be scattered.

Li Ronghuan dared to go home to the wild, not because the Li family’s heart has been scattered? !

“I don’t know if Xiajia Laoliu said that it is true or not. How can Xiajia like a country girl? How can it be easily accepted?” Mrs. Li is still guilty of this matter, if it is the summer family, she also accepted this girl. It is even more difficult to move her.

“Mom, what kind of identity do you think Xiajia is, how could it be so easy to accept such a gimmick who has no family status, maybe this is just the summer and the future?” Du Jiayi’s heart is Ye Jian. Degraded into the mud, I feel that this is impossible, even if it is possible, she will not back down.

If Li Jia and Du Jia can’t solve her, then… Li Jun, Li Wei?

Ye Jane is their killing father!

These things, she put it to the side for the time being, the most unfortunate thing for her is how the gimmick can easily get the love of the old lady of Qin! Can you get a summer home like it?

It is absolutely impossible, this must be that Xia Jinyuan is cheating on them.

“This thing, we will take a good look at the inquiries and know it.” Mrs. Li, who is sullen and sullen, does not want to have a hand, but she has already lost her hand. What is the attitude of Qin and Xiajia to Ye Jian, she still needs to confirm again.

Du Jiayi, who is thinking about her turn, can think of Mrs. Li’s scruples. After thinking about it, she lowered her voice and whispered: “Mom, don’t forget that there is Xiao Auntie. Now Xia Jinyuan is still unwilling to forgive Xiao Ayi, but After all, they are mothers and daughters with blood thicker than water. How can there be eternal enemies between mother and child?”

“Now, Xia Jinyuan is not willing to forgive Xiao Ayi. Maybe it is Ye Jianjiao. When Xia Jinyuan and Xiao Ayi are reconciled, how do you think Xiao Aunt wants such a woman who is provoking their mother-child relationship to be her daughter-in-law? At that time, she is not only a part of being abandoned.”

Du Jiayi’s words are unspeakable, and there seems to be a picture of Ye Jian’s being abandoned. There is a cool and cold sneer in her eyes. “Xiao Ayi has not seen Xia Jinyuan for so many years, you said, she If you know that everything is made by Ye Jian, what will Xiao Ayi react to? Will you go to Xiajia to have a fight?”

“Xia Jia will not protect Xiao Ayi, but he can let the Xia family know the existence of Ye Jian. Mom, do you want to go out to shop and eat?”

(End of this chapter)

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