Chapter 5469 Couple

From the hospital, Xia Jinjin went all the way to Yezhen to go to the bustling area of ​​Jingli, and the parking place was also in the downtown area. People came and went.

Ye Jian was taken down from the car by Xia Jinyuan. She rarely walked with him and walked outside. Today, she wears casual clothes and walks with her hands, just like other couples on the street.

When he arrived at the place, Ye Jan stopped and asked: “This is where you want to take me?”

She thought he was going to take her to somewhere? Unexpectedly, she was taken to the cinema, which made her somewhat surprised. I thought that neither of them had come to the cinema.

But what…

“I thought you would take me to a very mysterious place, all the way to keep secrets, the cinema is one of the dating places for couples, and there is nothing to keep secret.” Ye Jian looked at the excited man, could not hold back, Also teasing him, “No innovation.”

“You said that the cinema is one of the dating places for couples. Then how about being an ordinary couple today?” Xia Jinyuan raised his hand and touched his nose, concealing the guilt in his heart. He really has no idea, no way. Very inexperienced!

He thought about how to date for a long time last night, but in the end he only thought about the cinema, the classic dating place, the wrong choice!

“Of course.” Ye Jian clenched Xia Jinyuan’s hand and walked into the cinema door. “I have never seen a movie with you. Are there any disc battles? Shooting Hong Kong films? We can choose these.”

Next to it, she doesn’t like it very much.

Xia Jinyuan does not like it, but, dating, this is a date, and you can’t date or fight.

Into the electric hospital, the two people’s looks and temperament stand out among a group of ordinary people, and instantly attracted a lot of people’s eyes, men see Ye Jian, women look at Xia Jinyuan, Yu Guang constantly drifting over, go to ticket sales The mouth is so small, I don’t know how much attention I received.

Xia Jinyuan is very calm, although he has not talked about love, but from childhood to large are the people of the wind, this point is nothing.

What he is thinking about now is what movie to watch.

The two have been in the army for many years, and often go out to the task, so that the ordinary people’s most common entertainment and entertainment are very few, and both of them look at each other and do not know what movie to choose.

The ticket seller looked at the **** in front of him: “This movie is a new release of love movies for couples to watch. Many couples have chosen this film, and the next movie will be left. A few tickets.”

“Or else?” Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan looked at each other and asked, “All else is full, you can only choose it. You can’t run it alone.”

“I can do it.” Anyway, he didn’t care about what the film was doing. The important thing was that two people could sit quietly together.

“That’s it, hello, trouble we have two tickets.” Ye Jian turned his head and talked to the conductor. At the end, he asked more, “Is there really no seat in the other film?”

The ticket seller couldn’t help but laugh. “There is no such thing. If there is, we will definitely sell it.” The girl’s parents are very pretty and very temperament. How can they look like they are coming to the cinema for the first time?

It was really the first time to come to the cinema. Ye Jian said that she did not understand the market.

Xia Jinyuan did not understand, buy the ticket to Ye Jian, and pay the payment to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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